A COVID Crime Wave and Its Consequences
Good News for us is Bad News for maskholes and Newsom naysayers: California has the lowest coronavirus infection rate of any state in the continental U.S., with 40.3 new cases per 100,000 people, according to data released Wednesday, April 21, from the Centers for Disease Control.
That good news needs to be tempered with the reality of the ongoing effort by nattering nihilists to impose their negativity on the rest of us. Taking the long view of their actions leads me to believe we’re in the middle of a COVID crime wave whose abettors seek political power and profit.
From KPBS we learn about the efforts of evangelical congregations to perpetuate the pandemic. Some, like the Rock Church, are finding excuses (as in: it’s not for us to say) not to encourage those who participate in services to get vaccinated. I would call these types accessories to COVID crimes.
The worst among evangelical churches would be “Awaken,” which is continuing its efforts to encourage a deep-rooted mistrust of government and science among its members.
COVID-19 outbreaks among its members coming as a result of refusing to follow public health protocols were just a start. Now Awaken is serving as a promoter of anti-vaccine propaganda.
Awaken, which has five locations in San Diego County, recently hosted a presentation by Dr. Simone Gold, a well-known anti-vaccine doctor who was also arrested for participating in the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection. During her presentation, Gold made several claims regarding the effectiveness and safety of the vaccines that have been debunked by health authorities and mainstream scientists.
“The future of humanity and freedom lies in the hands of the believing Christians,” she said, to loud cheers from the audience at Awaken’s San Marcos location.
Awaken Church did not respond to repeated calls and emails requesting comment. Late last year, the church defied cease and desist orders from San Diego County for continuing to hold indoor services, where few people wore masks. By mid-December, there were three COVID-19 outbreaks at Awaken Churches responsible for 81 cases, according to data obtained by KPBS.
As a society we could reduce the impact of the coronavirus to near negligible numbers through public health measures. But the need for some “spiritual leaders” to place themselves above the common good means we’ll have to settle for an endemic. When destruction of society (aka the rapture) becomes foundational for a religion, their regard for the welfare of others becomes limited to promotional events.
The inevitability of a vaccine “passport” is growing every day. Public and private institutions are taking steps to prevent the people within them as part of their reopening plans.
Scam artists who dwell among the nihilist set are doing their bit to make the “government overreach” they preach against a reality. Pitting people against each other serves to enhance their profitability and furthers the goal of fostering distrust.
Messages on Facebook from organizations like the National Vaccine Information Center and the Organic Consumers Association, are saying the COVID-19 pandemic is not real, and that vaccine passports are the doorway to a new world government.
A mere dozen disinformation artists are responsible for an astounding 73% of anti-vaccine content on Facebook, which can’t seem to realize its responsibility to society. It should surprise nobody that these folks are also peddling various “cures.”
From Mark Sumner at Daily Kos:
Spreading lies and peddling snake oil isn’t the only way scammers are making money off of inserting themselves into dangerous schemes to slow the use of vaccines. As The Washington Post reports, there’s also forgery. That includes forgers like the Chicago-area pharmacist who has also sold more than 100 CDC vaccination cards over eBay. That account is just one of hundreds selling thousands of blank, forged, or completely fake cards. The decision to use paper cards was made by Trump officials and when the first vaccines rolled out in 2020, the system was already somewhat locked in place. But there seems to have been no thought put into how easily the cards could be counterfeited (or what a bad idea it is to pass around paper objects in the middle of a pandemic).
A completely digital solution to virus passports—one that could be viewed online or displayed on a smartphone—was considered. That system was even pushed by private businesses who were interested in using the passport to provide access for customers. It simply wasn’t used. And now states like Texas and Tennessee have made it famously easy to forge a paper vaccine record by handily posting templates for the cards to their state web sites.
Widespread voter fraud is not a thing. Despite this, 47 states are trying to pass laws making it more difficult to vote, claiming that they’re doing it to avoid the perception of fraud. Meanwhile, even as nations around the world begin testing vaccine passports as a way of safely opening borders and transportation, the U.S. is now stuck with a system that makes it incredibly simple to commit fraud. As a result, the value of any vaccine passport system in the United States has been hugely diminished even before it’s been implemented.
Airlines are already battling a scourge of passengers traveling with falsified Covid-19 health certificates, according to the Wall Street Journal... Because it’s apparently easier to pay somebody $50 bucks or so for a forged document than it is to care for the rest of the people around you.
Speaking of not caring, the righties of San Diego’s East County have suddenly decided that they care about the homeless. I remember not long ago when a certain city in that area was persuaded to make handing out food to homeless humans a crime.
Needless to say, the recall Newsom nuts who’re behind this Saturday morning stupidity don’t really give a hoot about the county’s homeless population (which increased by 80% in the past year, according to today’s Union-Tribune).
It’s just a convenient hook for them to promulgate their hate for desperate children who happen to be brown.
“We are going to go feed the homeless and hoping to draw attention to the fact that they were kicked out of the Convention Center in order to house and feed illegal Aliens at taxpayer expense!”
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