A Green New Deal Builds Local Support as the Right Goes Bonkers
Socialism, Flintstone cars, and cow farts. Oh. my! *
The introduction of HR 109, Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal supporting the vision of a more just and sustainable path for the country has shifted the conversation about climate change simply by pointing out the need for a comprehensive approach.
Assemblyman Todd Gloria announced introduction of Assembly Joint Resolution (AJR 7) urging Congress to pass a Green New Deal. If passed by the California State Legislature, this will put California officially on the record in support of the recently introduced federal legislation.
The San Diego and Imperial Counties Labor Council was first in the nation among its type of local coalitions to pass a resolution supporting a “Green New Deal with strong labor provisions in concert with our environmental and community partners.”
Community activists with SanDiego350 and other groups visited the local offices of Representatives Davis, Peters, Vargas, and Hunter during the first week of February to drop off petitions urging them to sign on in support of a Green New Deal. Only Congressman Mike Levin (D-49) has endorsed the resolution.
The Sunrise Movement, the grassroots organization who put the idea of a Green New Deal into the national spotlight, is asking voters to contact representatives and senators to be co-sponsors of the resolution.
What the New Green Deal is: a non-binding document outlining an ambitious plan for a “ten-year national mobilization” on “a scale not seen since World War II and the New Deal era.” It seeks to achieve net-zero carbon emissions through funding and investments in community-led projects, repairs and upgrades to infrastructure, and a vast expansion in clean and renewable energy to meet a hundred per cent of national demand.
Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who along with Senator Ed Markey, introduced the resolution explained her goals on social media over the weekend.
Via Politico:
Think of the nonbinding resolution introduced last week as a "request for proposals," Ocasio-Cortez explained in a series of tweets on Sunday. Tying together a host a issues like the Flint water crisis and battery technology investments, Ocasio-Cortez called for a range of ideas to achieve the goals she and Sen. Ed Markey laid out last week.
"For far too long, ideas like a carbon tax or cap-and-trade were touted as the premier solutions to climate change," she tweeted Sunday. "While those things could be *part* of a solution, the GND resolution says they are inadequate as the whole answer." She added: "We've defined the scope and where we want to go. Now let's assess + collab on projects."
Support or ambivalence on resolution is becoming a litmus test for Democrats seeking the 2020 Presidential nomination. And the GOP’s attack machine is already fully engaged in trying to distort the facts of the matter.
Dirty energy advocates know the first and most important part of attacking an idea is to simply lie about its content--early and often.
The President stuck to this script at his rally in El Paso on Monday.
From CNN:
Trump brushed off policy proposals from Democrats, saying the push from progressive lawmakers "all has to do with 2020 and the election"
"But I really don't like their policies of taking away your car, taking away your airplane flights, of 'let's hop a train to California,' or 'you're not allowed to own cows anymore!' " he added, referring to the resolution championed by New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other Democrats.
The right wing narrative includes wrapping up the Green New Deal with what appears to be the likely centerpiece of ‘right-thinking’ GOP campaigns in 2020, namely drumming up fear of SOCIALISM, their catch-all phrase for any government program not lining the pockets of wealthy donors.
At the Federalist, the publication that passes for deep thought on the right these days, we’re told “everyone will need to retrofit their cars with Flintstones-style foot holes or pedals for cycling” and “when you’re foraging for food, your savings will be worthless.”
All I have to say to anybody who wants to play these games is “Show me your plan.” What? You don’t have one? Then SOTFU.
Your Daily Reminder: There are and will be a number of people running to be the Democratic nominee for President in 2020.
Let's do our research, support the candidates of our choice, and talk about it civilly. The process of primaries and caucuses will weed out the not-ready-for-prime time candidates, so it’s best not to obsess. Job one in 2020 will be dethroning "Individual 1."
I intend to support the Democratic primary winner - with every damn thing I've got.
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Today's lead image by Geo Atherton