Woo Hoo, folks! Election time is coming quicker than a rabbit being chased by a fox. And there’s nothing this fox likes better than writing about politics.
This year I’m keeping it short and sassy.
Twenty five people think it’s a good idea to challenge a sitting Governor who just aced a recall election and is sitting on a $25 million + war chest.
This points to a big problem in American politics these days, namely that saying nasty things about politicians may get some recognition on social media, but those words don’t mean squat when it comes to getting actual votes.
Reading through all these candidates’ websites and utterings on social media (As I did so you don’t have to), you’d think the Huns were at the door, the constitution was being used as charcoal starter, and that the economic policies of the last four decades had nothing to do with homelessness.
Last I heard, they weren’t passing out magic wands when administering the oath of office in Sacramento. The legislature isn’t going away, and even a bought and paid for politician can’t always get what they want.
So, I’d say that at least twenty of the people on this list were subject to wishful thinking. Thank them for being willing to participate in the democratic process, and vote for somebody who has a chance in hell of doing something, anything, should they be elected.
There are few names on the ballot for the purpose of building some sort of political credibility, most of them Republicans. Some of them are just plain nasty people.
I didn’t see anybody other than the incumbent who’d do the job effectively, given present circumstances. You might see something I missed. And remember, there is no extra charge for the snark in my commentary.
Anthony "Tony" Fanara - Democrat
Owner of Restaurant
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
I hope all sixteen of his followers on the above platforms have a lot of friends
Gavin Newsom - Democrat
Governor of California
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
He tries real hard to do the right thing, has his heart in the right place, and doesn’t deserve the venom aimed at him by people who listen to wingnuts. I’m voting for him.
Armando "Mando" Perez-Serrato - Democrat
No Ballot Designation
Website | Twitter |
Completely clueless; promises to run for Gov. in every election until he wins. Hope he’s patient.
Joel Ventresca - Democrat
Retired Airport Analyst
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Says he’s a Berniecrat. His campaign is all about Newsom = bad.
Ronald A. Anderson - Republican
No Internet Presence
Shawn Collins - Republican
Military Officer/Attorney
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Another “California is failing” candidate. His macho posing won’t fix diddly squat
Brian Dahle - Republican
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Endorsed by the California Republican Party. Waited until after collecting the nod to denounce January 6 insurrection.
Ron Jones - Republican
No Ballot Designation
Website | Facebook |
Running for freedom… to make our own medical decisions, and freedom to live our lives without government overreach.
Jenny Rae Le Roux - Republican
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Endorsed by the California Republican Assembly, and supported by much of the right wing of the party
David Lozano - Republican
Executive Officer/Attorney
Website | Facebook | Instagram
Ex-policeman with lots of plans. Seems to be connected to reality.
Daniel R. Mercuri - Republican
Father/Business Owner
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
He’s here to offend you (not my words, his), and promises to throw people who don’t see things his way in jail.
Cristian Raul Morales - Republican
Director of Operations
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
The rare Republican candidate who apparently sees Latinos as an opportunity, not a problem. Has the rest of the GOP agenda memorized.
Robert C. Newman II - Republican
Website | Facebook |
Dr. (Phd.) Newman is Pro-God, Pro-life, traditional marriage, U.S. Constitution, agriculture, business, and truckers. Online stuff is leftover from the recall, where he got 1% of the vote.
Lonnie Sortor - Republican
Business Owner
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Are you tired of Democrats? Why take the bus and eat lentils when you can just vote red in 2022.
Anthony Trimino - Republican
Website | Facebook | Twitter (Account suspended) | Instagram
He’s the darling of the anti-mask theocratic set. Lots of self-righteous war talk. Regular visitor to San Diego’s Awaken “Church” guts and grievances events.
Major Williams - Republican
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Smiles a lot as he preaches the anti-vaxx party line.
Leo S. Zacky - Republican
Website | Facebook | Twitter |
Social justice is misguided justice, sez InfoWars fanboy Zacky
Heather Collins - Green Party
Small Business Owner
Website | Twitter | Instagram
Cosmetologist who sounds like a Republican.
Luis Javier Rodriguez - Green Party
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Former Poet Laureate of Los Angeles. It’s time to stop hacking at the branches and get to the root.
Serge Fiankan - No Party Preference
Small Business Owner
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
A contrarian and a dreamer.
James G. Hanink - No Party Preference
Retired Educator
Website | Facebook | Twitter |
He’s actually a member of the American Solidarity Party, which is a Christian Democratic-ish (they exist in Europe) outgrowth of Catholic Social Justice movements.
Woodrow "Woody" Sanders III - No Party Preference
Website | Twitter |
Longtime state government employee, not much vision beyond the inner workings of government. That said, some of his ideas deserve a hearing.
Frederic C. Schultz - No Party Preference
Human Rights Attorney
Website | Twitter |
Perennial libertarian-ish candidate for all kinds of offices, including President. The only one with a platform built around #hashtags.
Reinette Senum - No Party Preference
No Ballot Designation
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Crunchy granola anti-vaxxer
Michael Shellenberger - No Party Preference
Homelessness Policy Advocate
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
He’s best known as a contrarian environmentalist who likes nuclear power and hates San Francisco liberals.
Bradley Zink - No Party Preference
Children's Book Author
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Podcaster/YouTuber. Bring NoDoz or coffee if you want to hear/watch stuff about where he stands. It all sounded squishy to me.