California Recall Newsom Vote: Consider the Consequences
This is, after all, not Dancing With the Stars or America's Got Talent.
Every day from now until September 14th is Election Day. I’ve already voted and received confirmation about my ballot’s progress through the system. I hate to sound like a broke record, but he only thing required of you is to vote NO on the recall and skip Question #2
I keep seeing mentions on social media from folks questioning the wisdom of not making a choice for governor should Gavin Newsom be voted out.
Hopefully, once those people have actually examined the list of options for California’s top job, they’ll realize there is nobody with a “brand” capable of attracting enough voters to beat the top two (or maybe even three) Republican politicians.
Those thinking that writing in a name is a good idea may as well throw that part of the ballot out the window. Votes are counted only for candidates who have filed the papers necessary to qualify in a recall election.
Even if one of the nine self-described Democrats on the ballot were to win, are there any of those folks you’d feel good about running the State of California?
This is, after all, not Dancing With the Stars or America's Got Talent. The same holds true for the No Party Preference / Minor Party candidates.
None of these folks would get thru a pass/fail test on governing California without embarrassing themselves.
Quick Question (Since GOP candidates are always ranting about this)
California has 138 State employees per 10,000 residents. (Including higher education) Is this, per capita: (source)
One of the top five states?
More than average ?
About average?
Less than average?
One of the button five states?
Answer: CA has fewer state employees per capita than all states except Pennsylvania, Illinois and Florida.
The fact that there are no non-Republican candidates on the ballot with a snowball’s chance in hell of winning IS by design. However, it’s not some grand conspiracy hatched at a $500 a plate dinner at Gavin Newsom’s winery.
The best way to understand the lack of a viable (non-GOP) opposition candidate is to understand the intent of the recall.
Republicans jumped in on the fourth (or fifth) recall petition because their party started capitalizing on and/or fomenting discontent as a reaction to public health measures governors were taking in reaction to pandemic.
Read the language supporting the “YES” recall vote in your state voter guide. The campaign started with a Republican laundry list similar to the campaign positions of the gubernatorial candidate in 2018, who lost by a landslide.
The grounds for this recall are as Follows: Governor Newsom has implemented laws which are detrimental to the citizens of this state and our way of life. Laws he endorsed favor foreign nationals, in our country illegally, over that of our own citizens. People in this state suffer the highest taxes in the nation, the highest homelessness rates, and the lowest quality of life as a result. He has imposed sanctuary state status and fails to enforce immigration laws. He unilaterally over-ruled the will of the people regarding the death penalty. He seeks to impose additional burdens on our state by the following; removing the protections of Proposition 13, rationing our water use, increasing taxes and restricting parental rights. Having no other recourse, we the people have come together to take this action, remedy these misdeeds and prevent further injustices.
As the Trumpian base around the country continued to have success with stuff like bringing guns to the state houses, it occurred to party strategists that they could exploit California’s recall statutes to put one of their own in the top job.
The CA GOP hasn’t won a statewide election since 2006, and voter registration figures have them competing hard for third place, behind No Party Preference.
Put simply, the recall election is about trying to take advantage of a disinterested electorate to put somebody into office who will undermine popular policies that voters take for granted.
The only “win” for Republicans in this contest will be the ability to act like a bull in a china shop for one year.
That’s right, folks, one year. Because the Governor’s job is on the ballot in November of next year. It will be a regular election, with a primary and the opportunity for voters to make real choices from a list of (mostly) qualified candidates. A Democratic somebody could even run against Gavin Newsom.
Do Republicans really believe they could win a regular statewide election after their guy wastes our tax dollars trying to eliminate masking requirements in public schools (where masks are supported by 69% of the electorate)?
Via the Los Angeles Times:
“A new Republican governor may decide to follow the lead of those in Texas and Florida and issue executive orders banning mask mandates in defiance of masking requirements enacted by counties, cities and school districts. But any attempt to do so could be blocked by the Democrats who control the California Legislature and challenged in court, as is currently happening in those two states.”
Does the GOP really think voters will be thrilled when they discover that the Governor can’t unilaterally raise or lower taxes?
I could go on, with the possibility of telling millions of Californians, they’ll lose their access to healthcare, or that their taxes might be used to fund schools with odious discrimination policies?
The fact is that a Republican Governor can only do one thing: cause damage to state programs favoring those who aren’t rich through executive orders.
And THIS is the point of Republican governance these days. No longer is the GOP the “less government, more accountability party.” It’s the party of breaking down institutions supporting equity and democracy.
Look at some of the losers the GOP is running!
John “I’m a businessman” Cox won’t even pay his bills. He was served during a televised debate with a subpoena related to $100,000 in unpaid political consulting fees from his unsuccessful gubernatorial bid in 2018.
Radio host Larry Elder’s complete finances are now available, after an initial filing with the state did not list sources of income. A Democratic Party complaint filed with state regulators led to disclosure of income in his company, Laurence A. Elder and Associates. It was, we were told, an “innocent mistake.”
In addition to doing business with the Epoch Times, a fanatical right wing group, and speeches to Republican organizations, Elder makes money with sponsorship from a supplement company, Promedev Relief Factor. (Jeez, a right wing media host paying his bills by shilling supplements, who’d of thought?)
Promdev’s product has a generally safe formula (it’s effectiveness is questioned) that is aimed at soothing joint aches and pains. For less than $20, they’ll send you a month’s supply. Then it’s like the Columbia Records deal from the days of vinyl, more shows product shows up with much bigger invoices, until marks figure out how to unsubscribe.
In case you missed the memo, former congressman Doug Ose has dropped out of the race following a heart attack.
I’m assuming most of my readers are familiar with San Diego politics, and thus I don’t need to go into detail about Kevin Faulconer’s lack of prowess when it comes to deal making.
Suffice it to say local taxpayers will be funding big law firms for years as the City works its way through the lawsuits over properties acquired without competent oversight. And who knows? We might be looking at hundreds of city employees suddenly being evicted from their offices early next year.
In terms of name recognition, there’s always Caitlyn Jenner, who is now back campaigning after a previously scheduled trip to Australia to film episodes of Big Brother VIP. She’s run out of money, and made headlines by promising something not likely to be done; namely getting California taxpayers to finish building the Former Guy’s wall.
If you’d like to see profiles of some of the other candidates in this shame of a recall, CalMatters has a list.
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