A Thousand Little Cuts Are Also Killing Democracy
A tidal wave of implied or real violence has become an endemic response aimed at humans who, in past eras, would have been thought of as public servants. Much of it fits into the definition of stochastic terrorism, i.e., seemingly random violence following public demonization.
There have been an abundance of opinions expressed over the past few weeks describing the perilous condition of the democracy we live in. All of them point to the big issues of the day; voting rights, conspiracies, resentment of the establishment.
While an occasional threat towards a public official gets mentioned, none of them point to the thousands upon thousands of acts aimed at ordinary humans motivated by a desire to be good citizens or public servants. These (relatively speaking) pinpricks are the termites rotting away the foundations of democracy.
Melissa Block at NPR authored an analysis rooted in the presumption that “the Big Lie” (aka a delusional view of the 2020 election) has been a key element of the growing threat to democracy.
She quotes election law expert Rick Hasen, co-director of the Fair Elections and Free Speech Center at the University of California, Irvine, saying "I've never been more scared about American democracy than I am right now, because of the metastasizing of the 'big lie,' "
Union-Tribune columnist Michael Smolens enumerated academics, politicians, and even retired military officers who say that line of reasoning is a big part of the dangers faced by the United States.
UC San Diego professor Barbara Walter, who has studied civil wars around the world for decades, says the United States is heading down the path toward another one of its own.,,
…“And what you would find is that the United States, a democracy founded more than two centuries ago, has entered very dangerous territory.”
In an interview on CNN, Walter said the United States has become an “anocracy,” which she described as “somewhere between a democracy and an autocratic state.”
She said that political status, along with the use of racial, ethnic and religious divisions to gain power, are the best ways to predict a country is headed toward violent divisions.
“The amazing thing about the United States is that both of these factors currently exist and they have emerged at a surprisingly fast rate,” Walter said.
Washington Post columnist Robert Kagan says we’re already in the middle of a grave constitutional crisis that threatens the foundations of democracy. The idea of valuing the rights of others as much as you value your own, he says, is being negated amidst the tribalism that has become the hallmark of Trumpanistas:
As it happens, however, that is what the American experiment in republican democracy requires. It is what the Framers meant by “republican virtue,” a love of freedom not only for oneself but also as an abstract, universal good; a love of self-government as an ideal; a commitment to abide by the laws passed by legitimate democratic processes; and a healthy fear of and vigilance against tyranny of any kind.
Writing at the Guardian, Joan Greve cuts to the chase, citing Republicans’ nonchalance at cartoonish characters in a video posted by Rep. Paul Gosar depicts the death of Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and President Joe Biden. The acceptance of violence by reactionaries in Congress is both a reflection of and an incentive for additional sadism throughout the political process.
Stephen Spaulding, senior counsel at the government watchdog group Common Cause, described such violent tactics as “a core threat to our democracy”.
“The threat of violence is really to intimidate people from doing their jobs and upholding their oath of office,” Spaulding said. “When you start having these violent episodes enter the system, it is totally counter to the way that we are supposed to engage in open and fair debate about policy issues in this country.”
Fox News host Jesse Watters urged people to harass Dr. Anthony Fauci at a conservative rally, saying “Now you go in with the kill shot - deadly. Because, with an ambush, he doesn’t see it coming.”
The 81 year-old scientist has required 24-hour-a day-bodyguards for himself and his family since the early days of the pandemic because “researchers” on the internet think he’s some sort of Nazi war criminal.
From the New York Times:
Michigan Congresswoman Debbie Dingell described how, after Tucker Carlson denounced her last year on his Fox News show, she was threatened by men with assault weapons outside her home. She shared a small sample of what she said were hundreds of profanity-laden threats she has received.
“They ought to try you for treason,” one caller screamed in a lengthy, graphic voice mail message. “I hope your family dies in front of you. I pray to God that if you’ve got any children, they die in your face.”
The psychological warriors of the right don’t need the prompting of a TV star to jump into action. Anyone or anything on a foundation of reality standing in their way is a potential target. Teachers, nurses, doctors, local politicians, and even small business owners get the “treatment” once an “influencer” (usually the loudest voice) makes the call.
While the conservative media whines about cancel culture because of boycotts or other perfectly reasonable responses to foul behavior, their foot soldiers understand that it will take widespread antipathy toward social structures to enable the nihilistic nirvana they seek.
How do you get there? By picking a one-sided fight with the people enabling those structures. It’s right out of the junior high school locker room playbook for bullies; no matter what those being threatened say or do, it’s cause for additional outrage.
If the San Diego County Board of Supervisors places restrictions on public commentary after racist threats and disruptive behavior by anti vaxxers for weeks on end, then the rude boys and girls are having their First Amendment rights trampled on. KUSI collects their tears to flavor their DeMaioist view of government.
Is it any wonder that a Union-Tribune front page story says “Dr. Wilma Wooten, the county’s public health director and officer — the person with the most authority when there’s a pandemic — has not held a press conference since September.” Gosh, why could that be? I doubt it’s the mish mash of excuses cited in the story; it’s more likely the good doctor decided she’s had her fill of abuse. And I don’t blame her one bit.
Give the county’s anti-vaxxers credit; they’ve effectively silenced what should be the most authoritative voice out there when it comes to public health measures.
The prototype for this type terror of comes out of anti-abortion movement starting four decades ago, leading up to the assasination of Dr. George Tiller, a Kansas physician who dared to keep his women’s clinic open in the face of years of the vilest sorts of threats.
He’s the Navy veteran, Republican and proud member of his Lutheran congregation who then-Fox star Bill O’Reilly liked to call “Tiller, Tiller, Baby Killer” night after night, on his national television show.
Tiller’s clinic was first firebombed in 1986. An assasination attempt against him in 1993 left him wounded, but he comes into work the next day and makes his only comment ever to the media:“I’m a healthcare provider. I had patients to take care of.”
In 2009, the doctor was shot in the head and died in front of the congregation of his church, where he served as an (a flak jacket wearing) usher every Sunday.
From an NBC documentary on the killing, which sent Scott Roeder to prison for life:
Doctors and nurses who worked with Tiller recount, on camera, intimidation tactics aimed at anyone associated with the clinic.
"We were under siege the whole time," says Cathy Reavis, a nurse at the clinic.
"The anti-abortionists who don't carry guns definitely incite the ones who do," said Shelly Sella, one of Tiller's fellow doctors
The same people who posted Dr. Tiller’ home address and other personal information on the internet issued a statement denouncing violence even as they scrubbed their handiwork from the web.
Today, the stage is being set for more acts of violence and terrorism. At Amerifest 2021 in Phoenix, AZ, a higher profile version of right wing confabs around the country:
Eighteen-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, who was found not guilty last month of homicide charges after he shot and killed two people and wounded a third at racial justice protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin last year, “received the rock star treatment” at the summit, where organizers lit up a pyrotechnic display and the audience of 6,700 chanted Rittenhouse’s name as he walked on stage.
So an underaged kid (he was 17 at the time) acquires an AR-15, is driven across state lines by his mother, shoots and kills a couple of people and is somehow a hero. You don’t have to think very hard to figure out what kind of message that sends.
The fifty or so people being held in the DC jail represent less than 10% or those arrested on January 6th. In every case a judge has determined that their statements and activities constitute a threat to society.
From Vice:
Some within the group of detainees are bonafide members of known extremist groups like the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers. For example, New York Proud Boy Dominic Pezzola is accused of committing the first breach of the Capitol, which allowed rioters to stream into the building. When investigators searched his home, they discovered a thumb drive containing instructions for how to build bombs, construct homemade guns, and concoct poisons.
Others, like Lonnie Coffman, the Alabama man who was arrested near the Capitol with a truck full of weapons and Molotov cocktails, had dabbled in organized extremist activity, having been flagged by the FBI back in 2014 for armed militia activity.
Some of those being held pretrial have no known nexus to organized extremist groups, but they’re accused of some of the most violent crimes documented at the Capitol, like beating police officers using an array of weapons, including a flagpole, a crutch, and a baton.
As part of the rewrite of history about the events of that day, those incarcerated individuals are now being hailed as patriots and heroes by right wing media, a sentiment being echoed by some of the members of congress who are suspected of having a role in the insurrection.
The recasting of the self-described “1/6ers” as American-style Nelson Mandelas is playing out in the courts, in Congress and online. Stephen K. Bannon, a former adviser to Mr. Trump, often asks listeners of his podcast to support the legal defense of these “political prisoners,” while Tucker Carlson, the Fox News host, recently produced a streaming special, “Patriot Purge,” that suggested the defendants were victims of a “false flag” operation orchestrated by their own government.
The logical question if you accept the premises presented above is “what can we do about it?” I’ve got some ideas for starters.
If you see something, say something. But don’t engage with troublemakers. Speak or write or message to the people not acting obnoxiously.
The ultimate long term solution is good governance. This means more than just voting for candidates with a “D”or “I” beside their name. Primaries happen for a reason and being engaged as citizens can improve the results.
Realize there are no magic wands. Politicians and institutions respond to relentless pressure eventually.
Give money and support to organizations working to protect voting rights and/or get more voters to the polls.
Hey folks! There’s a change coming to Words & Deeds in 2022. I’ll be moving from WordPress to Substack, which hopefully will mean just a few changes in formatting. Stay tuned for exciting details.
Email me at WritetoDougPorter@Gmail.com