It's Impeachment Day: Will GOP CryBabies Brave the Metal Detectors?
I haven’t bothered to tell Google to play NPR today, mostly because I can’t stand the sound of “both sides” in the morning. Plenty of what’s going down is making its way into my consciousness via notifications and social media posts.
The witnesses for these impeachment hearings just happen to be members of congress still reeling from the aftereffects of the Trumpian mob that stormed the capitol last week.
Some of those “witnesses” may have been in on the planning of that invasion.
Newly elected Congress member Mikie Sherrill told constituents via a posted video that she witnessed an unspecified number of GOP Representatives giving building tours to mob leaders on the day prior to the breach.
Other members of congress have also pointed out “coincidences” like panic buttons being disabled and mobs converging on work spaces not publicly associated with specific representatives.
The feds have set up a sedition and conspiracy task force set up that includes public corruption prosecutors and national security prosecutors.
The outcome of the House portion of impeachment is all but assured.
What is refreshing about this round of impeachment is the clear-eyed fashion that Democrats are moving forward with. They know what they and the American people saw.
Meanwhile, the President’s defenders are doing everything in their power to distract, deny, deflect and divide in the quest to save their cult leader.
Many of the same Republicans who voted for funding to install metal detectors in schools are now acting like children when being asked to pass through newly installed security at the entrances to legislative chambers.
Republicans are taking to the floor of the House to invoke the name of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. as part of their reasoning as to why impeachment should not proceed. This is some sick shit.
At the very foundation of what Trump and his followers were trying to do is a defense of white supremacy. As Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez points out in the video below, when they were unable to win an election with a totally stacked deck, they now want it invalidated.
In the end, the House will ask the Senate to try the president on charges of "incitement of insurrection." . And the Senate part of this historical event is where things are bound to get interesting.
I’m not willing to assume this will work out the same way as Impeachment #1. There are too many moving pieces here, especially finding out what law enforcement is up to.
Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has let it be known that he has an interest in letting the Senate trial happen, not because he gives a damn about the issues at the heart of Trump’s coup attempt, but because he sees a way to preserve some semblance of Republican power.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi has announced a first class team of House members to be impeachment managers. led by constitutional scholar Congressman Jamie Raskin to argue the Democrats' case in the Senate once the article of impeachment is sent to the chamber.
Finally, let’s speak to the “unity” bullshit being bandied about by Republicans. There can be no unity without accountability. There can be no unity until the lies are acknowledged and refuted by those who have spread them. There can be no unity with people who view those as different as less than human.
The absolute bare minimum prerequisite for moving forward with any Republican is an admission that Trump lost a free and fair election.
History is being made. Watch closely.
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