KUSI: Driving the SDPD Vaxxer Death Train into Oblivion
Across the country we’re starting to get a sense of how many people in big organizations will give up their job when faced with a vaccine mandate. For United Airlines, New York-Presbyterian, and NYU Langone the number is consistent. It’s 0.5%.
More, via the Washington Post
Truman Medical Centers/University Health in Kansas City, Mo., was the first in the region to require vaccinations. Just 39 of 5,000 employees — below 1 percent — lost their jobs after the deadline passed last week.
Houston Methodist’s hospital system, one of the earliest case studies this summer, lost 153 employees out of 26,000 — a rate of about half a percent. Approximately 2 percent received exemptions.
North Carolina’s hospital system announced Tuesday that about 175 of its 35,000 employees — again, about half of one percent — were fired for refusing the vaccines.
None-the-less, local vaxxer cult boosters at KUSI are claiming that “Hundreds of San Diego Police Officers expected to lose their jobs over (the) vaccine mandate.”
You have to wonder, if their prediction is true, why some many people who’ve supposedly pledged their lives to “protect and serve” the community are willing to die on this hill.
From the New York Times:
More than 460 American law enforcement officers have died from Covid-19 infections tied to their work since the start of the pandemic, according to the Officer Down Memorial Page, making the coronavirus by far the most common cause of duty-related deaths in 2020 and 2021.
More than four times as many officers have died from Covid-19 as from gunfire in that period. There is no comprehensive accounting of how many American police officers have been sickened by the virus, but departments across the country have reported large outbreaks in the ranks.
Also, the KUSI story claims: “To make matters worse, the City of San Diego is experiencing a surge of violent crime under the leadership of Todd Gloria, making it the worst possible time to get rid of the people who protect and serve the community.”
This story and others like it are the packaging intended to sell a rally on Friday afternoon outside of San Diego City Hall. ReOpen San Diego's flyer claims there will be a thousand people in attendance.
Blaming Todd Gloria for what is a nationwide spike in violent crimes is nothing more than propaganda. But, hey, if you’re involved in spreading one lie, what difference does a second one make?
Despite a spike primarily in gun-related aggravated assaults, San Diego remains safer today than it was a few decades ago. In fact, we live in one of the safest big cities in the country.
KUSI dredged up a retired Marine who claims to have spoken with SDPD officers and says he expects a huge showing. What makes ex-Marine Giorgio Kirylo an “expert” is apparently his testimony contradicting other Navy SEALS who claimed Special Warfare Operator Chief Edward “Eddie” Gallagher murdered a 17 year old ISIS prisoner.
Gallagher, whose conviction on charges of posing for photos with he dead prisoner was negated by then-President Donald Trump and Kirylo are considered heroes among the pro-war crimes faction of the military.
Barf. It’s funny-not-funny how these less than savory types keep getting recycled for propaganda purposes by the right. I certainly hope that photos taken at the rally will be used to inform the public about the existence of taxpayer funded extremists.
Let’s step back and look at the bigger picture here: what’s going on is an attempt by far right interests to undermine public faith in institutions as a prelude to authoritarianism.
Those who promulgate fear based futurism arguments gain the pretense of control of their own fates; their adherents gain a sense of belonging giving their lives meaning.
In a world where economic gains are objectively unattainable for most and social structures of the past have crumbled, offering some form of solace is a selling point to people searching for meaning in their lives.
Traditional organized religion, which offered solace to many people in the past, has largely become preoccupied with fighting a losing battle for self-preservation. Pockets of evangelicals are often elaborate con-games run by grifters for self-enrichment; others offer the illusion of an all-consuming approach as a bulwark against perceived or real societal ills. I would include the “Q” people with these folks.
The experiences of people trying to distance themselves from these total alt-reality packages as documented in this Cosmo article lead me to believe they are just social media enabled versions of the cults we’ve seen throughout history.
As such, they are dangerous because the singularity of their perspective provides a petri dish for manipulation, whether the intent is leadership enrichment, sexual exploitation, or right wing activism. The experiences of followers of Sun Myung Moon in the 1960s and 70s provide a wealth of data points about what was popularly called brainwashing back in those days.
The Recall Newsom movement brought together the “be afraid” right. What started out as a thinly disguised “you will not replace us” effort based on fairy tales about immigration grew to incorporate evangelicals looking for a palatable patriarchism, the sirens of mystical medicine, and Trumpanistas.
Politically speaking, the Recall effort provided a medium for cross pollination and blending of what were (usually) isolated groupings.
At this point there is no practical difference between the vaxxers, the anti-CRT activists, climate change deniers, anti-abortionists, the street gangs of the right, and ultra nationalist sects. They may have different leaders, dress differently, and have tactical differences, but the reality is that they all serve the same ideological masters.
The difference between these groupings and other more normal activists is that the former’s identity is wrapped up somehow with the destruction of the objectives of the latter. And that the basis of their beliefs is driven by an illusion rather than an aspiration.
The “truth” (what the Qfolks call the Great Reveal, but it exists broadly) they all claim to seek will not set them free. Superman isn’t coming to save the day. This pillar of contemporary group-think (even outside the right) about change exists only in fiction.
It’s a premise that’s gained power as the way we communicate has evolved from symbols on tablets to words on paper to the electromagnetic spectrum to augmented reality, and (next up, I bet) to holograms powered by artificial intelligence.
At a point in history where traditional political forces appear to be unwilling or unable to tackle the challenges the national and humanity face, it’s easy to obsess over fringe groups. Although they can be disruptive and even dangerous, combating them is no substitute for political actions designed to push the reactionary elements of mainstream politics to the sidelines.
In other words, stay informed, protect yourself and others when appropriate, and realize that curmudgeons like Sen. Manchin aren’t going to be around forever. (Remember that a stripped down Affordable Care Act barely made it through Congress but has now become embedded in the landscape of people’s lives.)
The 2022 elections are just around the corner,and despite the obstacles poised by last-minute redistricting, there’s work to be done. This is a great time to make a plan for what you are willing to do next year.
There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world: those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed
As always, it pays to take the long view of history.
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