Mister Campa-Najjar Goes to Chula Vista
The city seems to have a split personality. At times staunchly conservative, at others, brazenly liberal.
By Timothy Holmberg
The inevitable phone text message arrives at 11:57am . . . “I'm fired up, Timothy! Ammar Campa-Najjar here- You helped me almost defeat Issa and Hunter (we came close). I'm running for Mayor of Chula Vista, California and I'm counting on you! Give me a chance to show you I'd make a good elected official. Will you help me reach my end-of-month goal today of $10k by pitching in $30?”
It was nice of him to specify the state. Ok, well - Welcome to Chula Vista Ammar Campa Najjar!
As a current resident, let me be among the first to welcome you. I hope you enjoy getting to know the city and the locals. Small bit of advice, perhaps avoid the temptation to get bro-ish with conservative extremists and future insurrectionists that killed your previous attempt at elective office in east county.
Running for mayor of a city is not like running for Congress, but I'm sure you will figure this out. To serve in Congress, it's not as crucial to be well rooted in the community you serve. Your unique ability to portray yourself as something you are not will be seriously tasked here in Chula Vista. No simple Zoro mask will do. But hey, if Juan Vargas could pull off being the "everyman" of Chula Vista, there's hope for you too. If you find it difficult raising money from people that actually live here, fear not, there is plenty of big pocketed interests that will bankroll you, for the right policy promises (wink, wink).
Chula Vista is a unique political bird, to be sure. White conservative old money still tucked away in some of the newer post-Levittown walled-off communities. Strong Catholic political base that likes talk of "family values". Developers scouting (stalking) the remains of Chula Vista's version of 1950's suburbia looking for affordable parcels they can "gentrify". Pop-up pot shops looking for a short term roost. And a working class that is increasingly financially distressed, and that really has no experience in seeing politics work for them - ever. There is also an emerging entrepreneurial class, eager to disrupt anything in sight. Armed with ideas that sometimes are better than what they displace, and sometimes not. But they're new, and we all like new.
Your political opportunism sense is not entirely off, of course. The cross currents of entitled interests and a quiet but effective mafia has rendered a city government not unlike that of our larger city to the north. Infrastructure has decayed, neighborhoods are vastly neglected, homelessness abounds, drugs and human trafficking find this place to be like a comfy sofa.
The city seems to have a split personality. At times staunchly conservative, at others, brazenly liberal. Freewheeling yet stifling. It aspires to be innovative, but often simply lapses back into what every other city is doing. It’s political class loves the symbolic, but frequently runs shrieking from the substantive or difficult (sound familiar?). And politics here often plays out like a telenovela.
In those regards, it seems a perfect fit for you after all.
Good luck, sir.
Timothy Holmberg is a former reporter for the Gay & Lesbian Times, and a resident of Chula Vista since 2016. He has written extensively about local politics, among other subjects.
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