My Isolation Dairy: Things Are Going to Be Different Now
“The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA… Stock Market starting to look very good to me!” -- President Trump, February 24, 2020
I never thought the end of the world as we know it would be like this, and I’m not even sure what “this” is right now.
I’m high risk, over 65, and self-isolated. Meanwhile, I see pictures of lines of people waiting to buy guns. I ventured into Trader Joes before the governor told us oldies to stay home and saw the bare shelves.
I’m angry, sad, scared, and more certain than ever that the “new normal” is going to be far different than even the best brains among us have pictured. The best I can do is to write it all down. Expect a few more posts than usual. And maybe even a few contributions from my circle of friends. (Hint, Hint)
If there ever was a time to hope that “big government” could be helpful, this is it.
Governor Gavin Newsom and Supervisor Nathan Fletcher --among others-- have both stepped up to the plate and done what elected officials are supposed to do; lead in times of crisis, listened to the experts, and responded based on what knowledge is available.
They’ve directed the vast bureaucracies beneath them to respond to the coronavirus crisis with all the tools at their disposal.
Responding in substantive and sensible ways is not a partisan issue. Republican Governors in Ohio, Massachusetts, Georgia, and Maryland have taken steps to protect the public.
Teh (sic) Stupid, unfortunately, also crosses party lines. While the authoritarian streak in the Trump administration is obvious to anybody concerned about democracy, the coronavirus is not part of a nefarious plot to cancel the 2020 elections.
The most dangerous thinking is coming from those politicians already fully assimilated into the cult of Dear Leader. Congressman Devin Nunes and the Governor of Oklahoma have boldly proclaimed that now is the best time to visit bars and (preferably packed) restaurants.
Tens of thousands of the “I’ll Become Irish if I Drink Enough” crowd packed bars from Ocean Beach to New York City, seemingly unconcerned about the potential for becoming COVID-19 carriers. Typhoid Mary wasn’t a Bloody Mary special, by the way.
Perhaps the worst of the worst are those denialists who fail to recognize the danger in turning a public health crisis into personal gain. The asshat in Tennessee who tried to corner the market on hand sanitizers was stupid enough to brag and the state has confiscated his stash.
And then there’s wanna-be Congressman Darrell Issa. He’s fundraising off the ‘This Is Just a Plot to Bring Down the President” approach being taken by the factually-challenged set. I doubt they get his tongue in cheek intention.
Make no mistake, the left is manufacturing crisis after crisis, in an attempt to whip the American people into a frenzy. From wild-fires, to sea level rise and even the outbreak of viruses, we’ve lived through all these disasters before…
...we’ve got to take these disasters seriously, but these latest end-of-times scenarios are just a desperate gasp.
The Russia Witch Hunt failed…
Impeachment failed…
Now, they’re so determined to get Trump they’re manufacturing the end of the world. Of course one Donald Trump to be (sic) be blamed for it.
They’ve officially lost their minds. They’re unhinged and insane.
We’ve got to keep working on a cure for this epidemic…
...Trump Derangement Syndrome. It’s still not contained!
Quote I like:
Following 9/11, the nation became united, if only temporarily. We didn’t just rally around the flag and applaud folks for trying to support their fellow Americans, we had a yearning to become closer to people we know and love. We hugged more.
Finding that sense of cause now is hard, in part, because of the mixed messages from the president and because there are people who still insist the threat is overblown.
Perhaps more to the point, it’s difficult to come together to face the challenge when experts insist we keep our distance from one another.
That’s a pity. We could all use a hug right about now.
--Columnist Michael Smolens, San Diego Union-Tribune
The award for lamest response goes to:
Honesty is not the best policy for today's GOP:
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