San Diego Students Supporting the Global Climate Strike
The hard truth is that the answer to the question ‘What can I, as an individual, do to stop climate change?’ is: nothing.” -- Naomi Klein in On Fire: The Burning Case for a Green New Deal
The words ‘existential crisis’ have failed us. The declaration by scientists that human activity on the planet has triggered a new geological epoch dubbed the Anthropocene era, one likely to leave the planet uninhabitable for our species, has been ignored by most people.
President Trump, perched atop the smoldering remains of the emoluments clause and other parts of the Constitution he finds inconvenient, is waving his middle finger at those who dare challenge the ascendancy of “I got mine” as the moral code for our nation.
There are two ways to turn this around, and it will take both to end this madness. The obvious one--voting--is not yet upon us, though there are campaigns looking for volunteers. Every eligible voter under the age of 40 casting a ballot would be a great start.
For now, non-electoral activism including public demonstrations are a way to go.
Friday, September 20th, will mark the start of a global political protest led by young people, starting as the sun rises on the Pacific islands, where rising sea levels are threatening the future for people living there.
The Global Climate Strike will spread across the globe to a total of 156 countries for a week of action through September 27, bringing together millions of people in villages, towns, and cities. There will be mass sit-ins, marches, festivals, teach-ins, and art competitions.
In the United States over 1,000 protests are planned. Events are taking place in cities, towns, workplaces, and--most of all-schools.
Students throughout San Diego County will walk out of schools Friday as part of this global campaign.
From the Union-Tribune:
The walkouts, which come just days before the United Nations Climate Action Summit in New York, are an outgrowth of [Greta] Thunberg’s “Fridays for a Future” movement that calls on students to leave class to call attention to the ever-worsening climate crisis.
The folks at SanDiego350 have been working with the student-led movement, and have circulated at list of local events, some of which aren’t school centered. Those marked with plus (+) signs are expected to be the larger public events, and if you’re interested in participating, but not already a student at one of the listed schools, you probably should stick to those.
Check social media for live updates on all the events - @SanDiego350 on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
Friday, September 20th
High Schools
++San Diego High School (Downtown) - 12:15-2:15 pm. March from school to City Hall, rally, march back. Rally at City Hall is planned from 1pm to 2pm
++Mission Bay High School (Pacific Beach) - 12:00 pm. From school entrance, walk to the marsh to rally in support of climate action and ReWild the Bay (meets up with the ReWild event, below).
High Tech High School - (Pt Loma - Downtown) - 9 am-2 pm. Rally at Point Loma campus, travel by city bus to City Hall, and rally there with students from San Diego High (see above). High Tech High Media Arts is meeting on the Quad at 8:45 am.
La Jolla High School - 2:30-3:30 pm. Rally just outside the school entrance, along a busy street.
Serra High School (Tierrasanta) - 12:25-1:15 pm. Rally just outside the school entrance.
University City High School with Standley Middle School: 10:35am- 12:15pm. Lunch time, UTC. Meeting on the Quad and walking to Standley Park.
Bonita Vista High School (Chula Vista) - 11:37 am - 12:18 pm. The students will be rallying only on campus, but the public can support from the other side of the fence.
Poway High School - 10-10:20am Rally in front of the school, 15500 Espola Rd, Poway
La Jolla Country Day School - 12:15-1:40 pm. March from LJCDS to UTC and back.
Middle Schools
Village Gate Children’s Academy - 9:30-11:30 am. Rally and speeches at the Encinitas Seaside Bazaar and a march up Highway 101.
Colleges and Universities
++San Diego State University, 11:30 am on campus at Hepner Hall.
++University of San Diego,12:00 pm, on campus at Colachis Lawn.
Other events
++ReWild Mission Bay - 11:45 at De Anza Cove, join ups with Mission Bay High, above. Hosted by Audubon.
Miramar Community Walkout 12-1 pm- network with climate-friendly businesses, hosted by Sullivan Solar.
Escondido City Hall rally - 5-6 pm, hosted by Chalice Unitarian Universalist.
Sen. Feinstein Climate Strike Rally (downtown) - 3 pm, at the Federal Building hosted by Sunrise Mvmt.
Family Walkout (North Park) - 10 am. Make signs and instruments, then walk through North Park.
Climate Walkouts on Other Dates
Cal State San Marcos, Tuesday, Sept 24, 12-1 pm, on campus, courtyard in front of the student union.
Vista City Hall (Vista), Friday, Sept 27 at 3:15-5 pm - Sit-in to demand a stronger climate action plan. Led by students at Rancho Buena Vista and Vista Mission High Schools.
UC San Diego, Friday, Sept 27, at 11 am - 1 pm, march and rally on campus begins in front of Geisel Library.
Westview High School (Poway), Friday, Sept 27 - details TBA
Contact for local Sunrise Movement
Contact for San Diego 350
Check the Fridays For Future link to see how it's going internationally.
Also… Coming soon:
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Lead image: Theoretical hurricane path, via NASA