Show Us the Money: Gavin Newsom Spends His Way Out of a Recall
Part Five of an occasional series on who not to vote for. For those of you just joining in the fun, I'm profiling a few candidates at a time, taking them in alphabetical order. Some of the better known names will get more attention if for no other reason than their political experiences are more substantive. Others --who haven’t bothered to campaign-- will just show up on a list at the end of that day’s post.
Part One: If Republicans Know They Can’t Win, Why Have a Recall?
Part Two: A Not Too Serious Look at the Recall Candidates for California Governor
Part Three: Who Really Wants to Be Governor of California?
Part Four: Don’t Blame San Diego for the Newsom Recall
A year ago, the situation for state and local budgets looked grim. Everybody knew that the downturn in the economy caused by the pandemic would be a disaster; not only would massive cuts be in order, the corollary impacts on local economies would be huge.
Well, everybody was wrong. We’ve got more money than we have mattresses to stuff it into. A rising stock market and huge amounts of help from the federal government added up to euphoria in Sacramento as the upcoming year’s budget deal was hammered out.
The impending gusher of state monies comes on the heels of a spending spree designed to increase enthusiasm for Covid 19 vaccinations. Gov. Gavin Newsom has made the most of it, touring the state playing game show host as he handed out checks.
From Politico:
No other governor has duplicated the level of Newsom's giveaways, most under the auspices of convincing hesitant residents to get vaccinated. But no other governor is facing a recall, either.
His appearances have gotten so over-the-top that longtime political reporters can hardly believe what they're seeing. "Am I on drugs?" said San Francisco Chronicle reporter Alexei Koseff, marveling at Newsom celebrating with characters in costume. Another, CalMatters' Laurel Rosenhall, dubbed a Newsom event "today's episode of Governor Gives Out Money."
Next year’s budget leaves no single interest group wanting. There’s more money for healthcare, education, infrastructure, youth behavioral programs, homeless programs, pre-school, bailing out independent music venues, direct grants to lower income families and children, and $1.2 billion in old fashioned earmarks requested by legislators.
The list of goodies for San Diego is mind-blowing, including $1.4 million for a Jewish Family Service of San Diego universal basic income pilot program.
Looking beyond the benefits accruing from state and local largesse, there’s the matter of $30 million (and counting) raised by anti-recall committees. It’s gonna be good times for political consultants and local media in an off-year election. Hopefully a bunch of cash will get spent on the kind of in-person contacts that weren’t possible in 2020.
All the “California Comeback-type” pro-recall ad campaigns, currently looking at about one-sixth of the funding backing the incumbent governor, are going to have a hard time convincing the non-kool aid crowd that things are so bad that a new chief executive with zero influence in the legislature can get anything done.
Really, folks. Who do you think is gonna kiss [insert name of candidate]’s ass when it comes to next year’s budget?
Update -- All my research on recall candidates has been consolidated into one place:
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