The Democratic Debate in Texas vs. A Trump Tantrum in Baltimore
Ten Democrats took the stage in Houston on September 12 and --for the most part-- talked policy for three hours. Reasonable people can disagree over who ‘won’ the night, but the fact is there was better moderation from ABC than we’ve seen so far, and nobody seemed unhinged.
Contrast what happened in Texas with what happened in Baltimore during the same time period. President Trump gave a bizarre, and dark speech. He threatened, he lied, he mocked, and, in the grand tradition of trickle down economics, he promised more tax cuts. Since he called the city rat infested a few weeks ago, it was inevitable that there were rodent-centric protests planned.
With 10 people on stage in Houston, it was inevitable that certain topics would be given short shrift. Off the top of my head, healthcare issues relating to women, the attacks on the freedoms of LGBTQ people, and climate change were missed opportunities. For this story, I’ll focus on what did happen, and hope we can cover more ground in future debates.
I thought it would be useful to include alternating snippets from both venues. I used the best ones I could find on the interwebs, and my apologies if your candidate isn’t here.
A hat tip to Aaron Rupar at Vox for many of the Twitter clips. The closing to his take on the debate is worth quoting:
Meanwhile, in Houston, Democratic presidential candidates took a few potshots at each other and, of course, at Trump — but they also got deep into the weeds of policy and outlined their respective visions of an America where immigrants are treated with respect, the climate crisis is taken seriously, and claims about health care proposals are backed up with actual plans.
The difference couldn’t have been clearer. Then again, it was just as clear in 2016.
This post includes videos, tweets and written commentary. Put your headphones on if you are at work.
First, the GOP’s “The Commies Are Coming” commercial, which ran on the Sinclair Media (‘‘You think Fox is bad? Hold my beer.”) stations in major markets:
So that’s what we have to look forward to in 2020.
The award for best opening speech at the debate goes to Senator Kamala Harris:
So, I plan on spending tonight talking with you about my plans to address the problems that keep you up at night. But first, I have a few words for Donald Trump, who we all know is watching.
So, President Trump, you spent the last two and a half years full-time trying to sow hate and division among us. And that is why we've gotten nothing done.
You have used hate, intimidation, fear and over 12,000 lies as a way to distract from your failed policies and your broken promises. The only reason you've not been indicted is because there was a memo in the Department of Justice that says a sitting president cannot be charged with a crime.
But here's what you don't get. What you don't get you is that the American people are so much better than this. And we know that the vast majority of us have so much more in common than what separates us, regardless of our race, where we live or the party with which we're registered to vote.
And I plan on focusing on our common issues, our common hopes and desires and in that way unifying our country, winning this election and turning the page for America. And now, President Trump, you can go back to watching Fox News.
A snip from the New York Times coverage:
Mr. Trump delivered his remarks in Baltimore, his first visit as president to the city he once called a “disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess.”
There were no rats evident on the streets from inside the president’s motorcade as he made his way from a landing zone about 10 minutes from the Republican event at the swanky Marriott hotel in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor.
There was, however, a large, inflated rodent made to look like Mr. Trump. Protesters flew the balloon near the hotel as other critics of the president waved signs, made obscene gestures and yelled at the motorcade.
Gun Policy & More...
Wait for it… (GOP tough guy response)
If you can't say anything about policy. there's always making fun of somebody's name... +Immigration
More mocking (of a dead person)... The climate crisis (and his obsession over Hillary Clinton)
Health care
Bernie’s gonna be Bernie
Best Closing (IMO)
And the GOP’s winning strategy for 2020…
Finally, lest we forget about the Climate Crisis at hand…
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