The Future of the Planet Is at Stake in the California Recall Election
Let’s not let this be the seminal moment when a political disaster in the Golden State blew up our efforts to save the planet.
By Jim Miller
In the lead up to tomorrow’s election, Doug Porter and I have pointed out in this space the dire consequences that a successful recall of Governor Newsom would have on democracy, criminal justice issues, labor, women’s rights, and more. One final hugely important reason not to let the recent polls showing the recall losing make you complacent is that the fate of the planet is on the ballot.
With the most recent IPCC report giving us a “code red” warning on climate change and alerting the world that the time we have left to avert apocalyptic outcomes is very short, nothing could be more foolish than sleeping on this election and letting a candidate who views such warnings as “a crock” take over leadership of our state.
With the Democrats in Washington fighting to push through an infrastructure package that would finally begin to make the necessary investments to address the looming threat of catastrophic climate change, nothing would empower the “it’s to expensive” moderates seeking to gut the President’s bold initiative than a recall loss in California.
Why do we matter?
As the LA Times editorial warning of the threat to climate policy that the recall poses observed last week
Time and time again, California used its power as the world’s fifth-largest economy to lead with policies and programs designed to slash greenhouse gas emissions and phase out fossil fuel combustion. Why? Because voters and the lawmakers we elect recognize the existential threat posed by a warming planet. We can see it. We can feel it. And we have chosen to embrace the power of collective action in trying to prevent greater devastation.
A Governor Elder would slam the brakes on all of that at precisely the wrong time, giving encouragement to the suicide caucus of climate deniers and cynical, opportunistic delayers of necessary climate action. Think the Democratic majority in the legislature could prevent any damage? Think again. Brad Plummer in the New York Times points out that:
A new governor could, for instance, rescind Mr. Newsom’s order to phase out new gasoline-powered vehicles by 2035 or his push to restrict oil and gas drilling, since those were issued by executive order. A governor could also appoint new officials who were less keen on climate regulation to various agencies, including the Air Resources Board, although doing so could set up a clash with the legislature, which oversees appointments. Any governor would also have broad latitude in shaping how existing climate laws are implemented . . .
California also has an outsized influence over clean vehicle standards, in part because it can set its own rules and prod the auto industry to develop cleaner cars. The Biden administration recently proposed to essentially adopt California’s car rules nationwide. Some fear that if California is no longer pushing to ramp up electric vehicles, as Mr. Newsom has envisioned, the federal government will feel less pressure to act.
So, make sure that you vote and, if you already have, usher your friends and family who may not have voted to the polls to reject this pathetic exercise. As we watch so many of our precious places in California burn while our fellow Americans die in the wake of extreme weather events on the other side of the country, let’s not let this be the seminal moment when a political disaster in the Golden State blew up our efforts to save the planet.
For the sake of hope for the future, please VOTE NO on the recall.