Trump Folds as Pelosi Holds: So Much Winning!
The President of the United States had to acknowledge a word (coming from a woman!) he’s not used to hearing: No.
The President of the San Diego City Council spoke of things in a way San Diegans aren’t used to hearing: Yes.
And it’s time folks: widespread public protests over the government shutdown are set for Tuesday, January 29th, around the slogan Shut Down the Wall, Open the Government. Downtown San Diego and Escondido are among the local sites.
“Nancy Pelosi, or as I like to call her: Nancy.”
Donald Trump’s bluster didn’t get a rise out of Speaker of the House, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi. His rhetorical gimmicks aimed at diminishing her stature fell on deaf ears.
Responding to a move ignoring the Speaker’s earlier request to hold off on the State of Union address until the crisis the President created by rejecting bipartisan legislation was resolved, Pelosi made her position clear: She would not introduce the legislation necessary to invite Trump to address a joint session of Congress.
Trump huffed. He puffed. And he could not blow the House off.
Late on Wednesday, Trump agreed to exactly what Pelosi laid out at the beginning of the exchange: no government funding, no speech. The Washington Post called Trump’s move a “retreat.”
The high moral outrage on the right over Pelosi’s refusal to invite Trump to have his moment in the spotlight faded into nothingness. Suddenly the State of the Union address wasn’t all that important, anyway.
Lest we forget, Trump started the shutdown back when there was a compliant Republican House. The Senate unanimously passed legislation extending funding for the government; right wing pundits acted horrified, and the President had no choice but to prove his manhood.
The Office of Personnel Management issued a memo to agencies calling on them to punish workers who call out sick. The leaders of unions for air traffic controllers, pilots, and flight attendants issued a warning that the shutdown poses a growing threat to the safety of air travel.
Meanwhile, the administration’s “let them eat cake” attitude persists.
Mental health break
Thanks to Fox News for doing such a good job of raising the profile of the newly elected House Democrats
Gomez says Yes.
I’m super encouraged about Council President Georgette Gomez’ can do attitude. By all accounts her State of the District address to D9 residents on Wednesday demonstrates a clear vision for a path forward.
“In 2019, I will continue to fight for free youth bus passes, more humane housing policies and tenant protections. It is time for a new narrative in San Diego: one that is inclusive, equitable and accountable to all San Diegans.”
From the Union-Tribune:
Gomez unveiled a proposed “work plan” for the year Wednesday that also includes recruiting more minorities and local residents to the city’s police force, expanding homeless outreach efforts and keeping trash out of local waterways. The plan, which the council is scheduled to discuss Tuesday, also calls for innovative housing solutions, bolstering council staff and expanding efforts to secure grants…
...”We're supposed to be focused on creating policies," Gomez said by phone Wednesday afternoon. "We're not supposed to be just reacting to what the mayor is putting forward. I really want to start shifting us to a stronger policy arm of government."
Gomez said that setting priority goals for the year will help foster the “strong council” form of government she envisions.
The work plan document, which includes eight priority goals, can be read here (pdf).
Mark your calendar: January 29th
Shut Down the Wall, Open the Government is being organized by activist groups MoveOn and Indivisible and is set to take place on the same day that the president was supposed to deliver his address to a joint session of Congress.
Senate Republicans have been mute and largely absent—and they hold the power to reopen the government without giving in to Trump's racist policies.
That's why people all across the country are headed to Senate offices, closed federal government offices, national parks, other facilities affected by the shutdown and other public, visible spots in every community. We will share receipts (stories, effects, actual financial receipts) showing what this #TrumpShutdown has cost everyday people financially, morally, and spiritually.
And we'll offer our own "State of the Union"—because there are real crises we need to tackle together, and there is a vision of what this country could accomplish if we weren't divided and attacked by hatred, fear, and these outrageous actions.
Together, we’ll demand that Mitch McConnell end the madness and hold a vote to reopen the government without a hateful and wasteful border wall. We will stand shoulder to shoulder with immigrant communities, workers, and those impacted by the shutdown to demand that Republicans #ShutdownTheWall and #OpenTheGovernment.
Local events, Tuesday, January 29
Downtown San Diego:
Edward J Schwartz Federal Building
Sign Up Link
Escondido Mall
Sign Up Link
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