Trump’s Turkey Day Conspiracy
At a campaign rally in Florida on Tuesday, President Donald Trump once again showed the world what a sucker he is for anything appearing on Fox News, especially if it promotes the idea of victim hood central to his philosophy.
He warned the crowd that an “some people” want Thanksgiving to be called something other than “Thanksgiving,” a falsehood likely derived from broadcast segments claiming there is a “war” on the holiday.
“Some people want to change the name Thanksgiving,” Trump said. “They don’t want to use the term Thanksgiving. And that was true also with Christmas. But now everybody is using Christmas again. Remember I said that?”
“People have different ideas why it shouldn’t be called Thanksgiving,” Trump continued. “But everybody in this room I know loves the name Thanksgiving and we’re not changing it.”
Somehow I must have missed the memo from George Soros.
Where do such crazy ideas come from?
One article from HuffPost offered advice on how to have an environmentally friendly Thanksgiving dinner. Now we’re told it’s a war, thanks to coverage at Fox News.
Fox & Friends, Fox & Friends First, Tucker Carlson Tonight, The Five, Fox News @ Night all spread the news, using the same War on Thanksgiving graphic.
If “they” come for my tofurky and kale, they’ll have to pry it from my cold, dead hands.
While you’re reeling from this news, I suggest reading this article about some of the President’s other favorite conspiracy theories.
President Trump loves conspiracy theories. Has he ever been right?
I’m going to spend the day getting my laser guided anti-Santa missiles ready for December 25.
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