A little deliciousness is in order today. San Diego’s own Dinesh D'Souza has another apocalyptic Democrats-are-dooming-us film he’s pitching and the people he thinks should be his fans aren’t interested. He is not amused.
The hoped for revelatory interview with Tucker Carlson didn’t happen. Newsmax, the next step down in the right wing media world, wasn't interested.
D’Souza’s concept of yet another votes were stolen story is just the latest in a long series of easily disproved bluster on the subject. It proves that any fool with access to a few video clips and some scary music can create something they call a “documentary.”
The Pillow Guy’s unfulfilled weekly promises of amazing news, along with a few gazillion dollar lawsuits from voting machine companies have discouraged even wannabe media companies from using the film for fun and clicks.
The name of the film is 2000 Mules, in case your Betamax store hasn’t stocked it yet.
It’s such an important film that Mar a Lago was chosen for its premiere. A night of grifter glamor included an introduction from the Former Guy.
From Mediaite:
Wednesday night, a “star-studded” premiere screening of the movie was held at Trump’s Palm Beach home Mar-a-Lago, and a great number of renowned conspiracy theorists were in attendance and posted photos of themselves on social media.
Trump appeared to speak before the screening of the movie, which was attended by the likes of Matt Gaetz, Michael Flynn, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Jenna Ellis, Bernard Kerik, Rudy Giuliani, Lara Logan, Kyle Rittenhouse, Andrew Giuliani, Dan Bongino, Dave Rubin, and of course, D’Souza himself.
The proud producer is running around telling anybody who will listen about the film grossing $1 million in 12 hours. Yahoo! Finance posted a story saying so with the byline of some guy named PR Newswire, so it must be true.
The reviews were….interesting…
Here’s Robyn Pennacchia, senior film reviewer* at Wonkette:
The basic premise of the film is that a bunch of evil nonprofits paid people to stuff ballot boxes full of fake ballots in favor of Joe Biden. The "proof" he has comes from a group called "True The Vote," which bought a bunch of consumer cell phone data in order to track the incidence of people who walked near nonprofits and then also walked near ballot boxes a few times. This is then "bolstered" by video of people who may or may not be those people dropping off more than one ballot at a time.
You do not have to pay the $30 to see the movie to see the flaws in that reasoning. Starting with the fact that, unless we can find someone with X-ray vision, there is no way to know who those ballots were for. One might imagine D'Souza having some special insight into this kind of thing, in a Hannibal Lecter kind of way, given that he was convicted of a felony for violating the Election Act himself, but no. Literally none of this makes any sense and he hasn't proven anything.
Politifact dispatched a team to review this Very Serious Project:
In 2014, D’Souza pleaded guilty to a felony campaign finance violation after he used straw donors to donate in excess of the personal limit to a friend who was running for a U.S. Senate seat in New York. Trump pardoned D’Souza in 2018, just months after D’Souza publicly mocked survivors of the mass school shooting in Parkland, Florida.
D’Souza’s numerous books and films have stirred controversy around topics such as race; one 1995 book said people born into slavery were treated "pretty well."
D’Souza once said he "never advanced a conspiracy theory in my life," but he has promoted several: questioning President Barack Obama’s birthplace; suggesting that billionaire philanthropist George Soros collaborated with the Nazis and bankrolls antifa; and tweeting that the 2017 white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, might have been staged.
D’Souza had a run of bad luck in trying to get the documentary publicized via outlets like Newsmax and Tucker Carlson.
It’s funny how a lawsuit of three can force these right wing blowhards to eat their words.
For real election sleuth extraordinaire Greg Palast, along with investigator Zach D. Roberts had some words to share:
D’Souza and True the Vote insist that tens of thousands of ballots in Georgia alone were stolen — yet there were no reports of ballot thefts. Voters would have found that someone cast their ballot when they tried to vote. They can’t prove a million ballots were stolen or illegally bought (“trafficked” in True the Vote’s terminology) because it didn’t happen.
D’Souza’s charge is mind-blowing. He claims that there are as many 54,000 mules that were organized and paid in at least five big cities. In Fulton County (Atlanta), he tells us 92,670 ballots were stuffed illegally into drop boxes.
That’s astonishing — because there were only 79,000 ballots cast in drop boxes in Fulton County!
And in Detroit, it was worse. “Mules” stuffed 226,590 ballots into Detroit area drop boxes — way more than the total number of all mail-in ballots — about three times the number of ballots in drop boxes.
True the Vote’s “expert” tells us he identified mules in Detroit, “That went to more than a hundred drop boxes.” That’s also amazing because there were only 30 drop boxes in all of Detroit.
The fact that the film hasn’t led to President Biden’s resignation or QAnon’s fabled round up of underground pedophiles was fertile ground for a conspiracy theory, which is what these folks do in crisis situations.
* There is no senior film reviewer at Wonkette, a website sorta like the Onion, with a dose of cynicism and no class, for political junkies. It’s probably funded by George Soros and its editor is in charge of kidnapping children in the high country for use by Hillary Clinton in her quest for eternal youth.
On a serious note, the next time you hear copaganda about homicides rising, remember this:
A researcher at U.C. Davis estimates that there are roughly 15 million more guns in circulation than there would be without the pandemic.
Don’t Email me at WritetoDougPorter@Gmail.com unless you’re willing to wait weeks for a response. I’m headed in for surgery tomorrow and will be out of the loop.