WE Can Get Through This Crisis. YOU Might Not Be So Lucky.
What difference a week makes. Just seven days ago I was writing about Senator Bernie Sanders diminishing chances in the contest to be the Democratic nominee.
Now, I’m not sure the primary process will occur as planned, regardless of who’s running. States are cancelling and postponing elections, those allowing in person balloting are finding that their volunteer corps of poll workers (who are by and large seniors) has dried up.
I’m reading increasingly depressing economic reports, and noticing the executive and congressional fix-its under discussion are mostly top down measures. A completely different economy at the other end of this pandemic (six months to two years!) is now more likely than not.
In the short term, as things stand today, there will be cash for airlines, which invested nearly all of their liquidity in stock buybacks over the past decade, “tax credits” for working stiffs and a smallish check.
We need an FDR running the country. We have Donald Trump, who is largely interested in undoing all the economic, social, and political changes growing out of the mid-twentieth century.
While some governments at the state and local levels have done an admirable job of trying to construct a social safety net, there is simply no infrastructure in place to sustain these efforts over a longer period of time.
The private services that are supposed to bring shut-ins (that’s all of us over 65, plus immuno-compromised folks) groceries are already overwhelmed. And the pay needed to sustain a larger workforce isn’t a viable option; companies are going to have to raise their fees or not have enough help.
Does anybody think the volunteer feeding operations are capable of meeting the needs of a million San Diegans (who were already financially challenged) over a longer period of time?
Don’t let big numbers like the $850 billion bailout being discussed fool you. The coffee shop and its employees down the street aren’t going to be included. What will you do if sheltering in place lasts more than a few weeks?
As I see it, there is no long-term solution coming out of the current economic takedown.
Those who would like to retain the status quo (which will not withstand the forces pushing against it) will be upping their fear and loathing game. The corona virus was referred to as “Kung-Flu" by somebody in the White House.
When the government checks headed our way (trust me, this is very probable) don’t supercharge the economy, the “freeloaders” and “welfare queens” will be blamed.
The “rugged individualism” at the heart of our national identity runs counter to the concept of a cooperative economic culture. Defining success as continuous expansion in the entrepreneurial sectors can no longer be the norm.
So, what am I saying will come to pass? Socialism?
I doubt it.
A relatively quick conversion of a wide variety of essential goods and services to public ownership/direction is about as likely as racism fading into oblivion.
It should be obvious to all us baby boomers who thought we as a nation could “grow out” of racism, that it ain’t happening. And it won’t happen until the underlying economic forces change.
“Trickle down” means that there must be a “down” to trickle on. This isn’t the “natural” order of things, no matter how often the “bootstrapers” say so. Having an underclass is a social construct.
While I don’t know which social/economic paths we will follow in the future, I can say the fundamental basis for where we go will involve some resolution of “Me” vs “We” conflict.
We’ve spent way too much time and effort on the “Me” part in recent history, and not enough on the “We,” which is how we got to the conundrum we face.
WE can get through this together. “We” will be a tough sell in the face of social isolation. It will take creativity, and tons of optimism. I’d like to think this is more of an opportunity than a problem.
ME isn’t a viable option for most of us without the resources for gated enclaves or rural bunkers.
Finally, a giggle. Cause we need it.
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