My beloved Dell desktop has decided to give up after four years. I’m good enough with the nuts and bolts of computers to keep my personal PC running; not good enough to work on other people’s. I update, run diagnostics, and poke around enough to not be dangerous.
Yesterday I spent five hours watching circles and dots rotate as I rebooted, ran troubleshooters, and searched the web using my Chromebook (which lacks the processing power to handle graphics). After being told that the problem wasn’t fixable, trying/failing to make the pc go back in time to a happier day, and making sure I wasn’t doing battle with a virus, I reached the conclusion that it’s time to upgrade.
What this means is that the next couple of days these posts may be short and sweet, along with very limited functionality and graphics. I’m not sure about what these limitations will look like —I’m good at finding workarounds, but even then this danged machine is now slow as molasses. To make a long story very short and not technical, it’s gagged on the latest Windows update and gets progressively more preoccupied trying to “fix” the problem.
I should have a new machine tomorrow; it will take a day or so to get it set up and transfer all those lovely files that haven’t parked themselves on the cloud.
AND… Next week I have a gaggle of appointments concerning round three of my treatments for cancer, in anticipation of starting chemo on Thursday. I have no idea of where things will go from there in terms of my abilities, but the current assumption is that I’ll have enough functionality to keep cranking out words and sentences.
I do expect to post a newsletter today; we’ll see how that goes.
The new pc has shipped. It's coming from LA. Yay!
Oh, forgot to mention: no spell check; hence the "vey" technical problems for a mediocre typist.