What’s the Difference Between CD53 Candidates Georgette Gomez and Sara Jacobs?
Check out Indivisible's Virtual Debate on October 3rd.
It’s time for another one of those Survey USA pre-election polls, commissioned by 10News and The San Diego Union-Tribune.
According to this morning’s paper, Undecided is tied with Sara Jacobs for first place.
That doesn’t seem right, although I’m not questioning the poll. I’m sure that they did, in fact, contact 534 likely voters in the 53rd Congressional District.
I’m just saying they asked the wrong questions. Asking about “who” people are voting for is the result of how Jacobs and Gomez are campaigning. Asking people “why” they’re voting for either candidate might provide more insight.
Candidate Jacobs (and her family’s PAC) have spent a bajillion dollars on high profile advertising. Gomez is relying on her institutional and grass roots support. (She is also advertising)
I wonder if the Republican/No Party Preference voters surveyed who say they’re voting for either candidate have any idea of what they stand for.
Do you think they’d agree with Jacob’s support for Congresswoman Barbara Lee’s proposal to establish the first United States Commission on Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation?
Do you think they’d agree with Gomez’s advocacy for eliminating student debt for low and middle income individuals? (The poll question about voter enthusiasm for Gomez has an astonishing -/+16 point margin of error)
The reality here is that there’s little difference in the substance of either candidate’s basic political outlooks. They’re both Democrats of the liberal/progressive persuasion. Based on what’s said on their issues pages (Gomez, Jacobs) I could vote for either candidate.
Fortunately, there is an upcoming opportunity for voters in the 53rd to see for themselves how these candidates handle tough questions on the issues.
Indivisible San Diego Persist, CBFD* Indivisible and Hillcrest Indivisible leadership are hosting a virtual debate on Saturday, October 3rd at 4pm, moderated by Chris Jennewein, editor and publisher of Times of San Diego.
Debate attendees will have an opportunity to submit questions to learn how the two candidates feel about the issues that are important to them.
Advance registration is needed to assure access, and questions for the moderator can be submitted using the link below. (Questions for the debate will be curated to fit in the time available.)
A recording of the debate will be made available in order to make this information accessible to as many people as possible.
Sign up here: http://bit.ly/ca53zoom
Submit questions here: http://bit.ly/ca53questions
If Zoom capacity is reached or you cannot watch, access to the livestream/recording will be found here: sdindivisible.com/ca53debate