Who Really Wants to Be Governor of California?
Today's profile: John H. Cox
Part Three of an occasional series on who not to vote for. For those of you just joining in the fun, I’ll do a few candidates at a time, taking them in alphabetical order. Now that the Secretary of State has published a list of those candidates who qualified for the ballot, I'll leave the earlier entries up but with strikethroughs.
Part One: If Republicans Know They Can’t Win, Why Have a Recall?
Part Two: A Not Too Serious Look at the Recall Candidates for California Governor
Given the limitations of the internet, I’m sure that corrections and updates will be required, and am happy to do so. I am attempting to publish each candidate’s web/social media addresses for those of you interested in digging deeper.
A couple of columns have popped up last week (h/t Politico), offering perspectives worth sharing.
Los Angeles Times, Nicholas Goldberg Thanks to Trump, we have an epidemic of unqualified candidates,”
“One of the most damaging legacies of the Trump presidency may be that it persuaded people with absolutely no qualifications that they could and should run for public office — and that at least some of the time, Americans might be foolish enough to vote for them.”
New York Times, Ezra Klein: The Gavin Newsom Recall Is a Farce
“For now, Californians will have to act as the populists intended. They may not want this recall, but the only way to kill it is to participate in it.”
When your mail-in ballot arrives in mid-August, what you must do is really simple. No hard choices will be asked of you. The ballot will look impressively large, but fear not. There are two questions, and you only need to answer one.
Question #1 asks if you think Gov. Gavin Newsom should be recalled. That should be a hard NO, even if you think he's corporate Democrat or worse.
Question #2 asks you to pick who you'd like to take his place from a long list consisting mostly of people you've never heard of and/or are losers. YOU CAN SKIP THIS ONE. Any questions you may have in this regard are answered in this series of articles.
UPDATE All my research on recall candidates is now consolidated into one place:
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