I'm smiling with you, Doug! Such good news for you and your myriad of fans, I'm one! I'll await those 2 new essays today because you're in the mood for writing and I'm always in the mood for reading what you have to say! Have a great day!

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That’s two of us who get a cancer free Christmas. Celebrating with you

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What wonderful news! Selfish me, I'm hoping you'll continue to share your writing with us.♥️

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Great great news, Doug! So happy for you and your family.

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Bravo Doug! I'm so glad to read if this good news about your health.

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That is the best news I have heard all week. And, yes, that does include that other news!

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Woo hoo! Such excellent news! Super happy for you, your family and all of us in your sphere of influence..

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The BEST news!!! ❤️

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Congratulations, on your wonderful news. I couldn't wish wellness on anyone more than you!

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"Here’s the exciting part: they couldn’t find any cancer." I actually have tears in mmy eyes. Thanks be to God. I have been. praying for you and yours for years now. I cherish your essays. What joy there must be in your family and medical team.

Now, please stay away for FL and it's outbreak of leprosy.

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Excellent news! Yay!!

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Best news!

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Bless you brother!

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Such great news!

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Such good news

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