I hope if you wear glasses, they will replace the lens with a refractive one. For me, the world changed utterly. And the thing I noticed most was the colors--they aren't what you think they are right now. They are bright!
Congratulations on scheduling cataract surgery. I've had it in both eyes, one eye at a time, more than 20 years ago. You'll be amazed at how much more clear the world, and colors!, will appear after the cataract has been shattered and removed.
A note, however, the lens implant is a separate action from the cataract surgery; the cataract surgery simply makes it easier to implant a corrective lens which should relieve you of the need for a prescription lens in your glasses for that eye. Prior to the lens implant, I was so near-sighted as to be almost legally blind for distances. It's a miracle!!
I opted for a distance correction lens in one eye and later on, a near-vision lens implanted in the other eye, common choices despite seeming counterintuitive. It's amazing how quickly the brain adjusts to the two very different lenses. Twenty-two years later, I still don't need reading glasses though I do need a distance prescription for my sunglasses for that eye. While sunglasses are no longer needed to protect my eyes from developing new cataracts because they're so slow in growing, they're great for reducing brightness and glare.
I had the same long/short set put in. I do now have to wear reading glasses for most things, though kindle saves the day.
The one downside was I discovered I didn't really like the color of a wall I'd painted. It wasn't the color I thought it was at all. Not a "southwest rust" but a browney orange.
Sorry about your need to wear reading glasses despite the implant. Eyes do continue to change, I guess I've been fortunate though my distance vision has declined a little in 24 years since that lens implant was inserted. As for your color realization, my mother had a similar reaction to the color of a "smoking jacket" she had made for my father. She thought it was clear red, turned out to be more of a burgundy. Cataracts screen out blue tones.
I hope if you wear glasses, they will replace the lens with a refractive one. For me, the world changed utterly. And the thing I noticed most was the colors--they aren't what you think they are right now. They are bright!
Congratulations on scheduling cataract surgery. I've had it in both eyes, one eye at a time, more than 20 years ago. You'll be amazed at how much more clear the world, and colors!, will appear after the cataract has been shattered and removed.
A note, however, the lens implant is a separate action from the cataract surgery; the cataract surgery simply makes it easier to implant a corrective lens which should relieve you of the need for a prescription lens in your glasses for that eye. Prior to the lens implant, I was so near-sighted as to be almost legally blind for distances. It's a miracle!!
I opted for a distance correction lens in one eye and later on, a near-vision lens implanted in the other eye, common choices despite seeming counterintuitive. It's amazing how quickly the brain adjusts to the two very different lenses. Twenty-two years later, I still don't need reading glasses though I do need a distance prescription for my sunglasses for that eye. While sunglasses are no longer needed to protect my eyes from developing new cataracts because they're so slow in growing, they're great for reducing brightness and glare.
I had the same long/short set put in. I do now have to wear reading glasses for most things, though kindle saves the day.
The one downside was I discovered I didn't really like the color of a wall I'd painted. It wasn't the color I thought it was at all. Not a "southwest rust" but a browney orange.
Sorry about your need to wear reading glasses despite the implant. Eyes do continue to change, I guess I've been fortunate though my distance vision has declined a little in 24 years since that lens implant was inserted. As for your color realization, my mother had a similar reaction to the color of a "smoking jacket" she had made for my father. She thought it was clear red, turned out to be more of a burgundy. Cataracts screen out blue tones.