While there are clearly many factors that contributed to Harris’s and the national Democrats’ defeat, one thing stands out: it’s working-class economics, stupid
I'm working class and have been all my life. I don't have a degree of any kind and have never earned even the low end of what is termed middle class money. But I still care about others less fortunate than I, and I wouldn't sign away the rights of half the country over the (perceived) lower price of groceries (wait until the tariffs kick in, damn). I think most voters have base desires to feel better or stronger than other people and they vote that way (against immigrants, other races, women). And fundamentalist religious leaders are a huge part of the problem, because they always idealize the past and want us to go backwards. Plus, we always think the grass will be greener with "change" and so we shoot ourselves in the foot. I guess I really need to write about this!
I'm working class and have been all my life. I don't have a degree of any kind and have never earned even the low end of what is termed middle class money. But I still care about others less fortunate than I, and I wouldn't sign away the rights of half the country over the (perceived) lower price of groceries (wait until the tariffs kick in, damn). I think most voters have base desires to feel better or stronger than other people and they vote that way (against immigrants, other races, women). And fundamentalist religious leaders are a huge part of the problem, because they always idealize the past and want us to go backwards. Plus, we always think the grass will be greener with "change" and so we shoot ourselves in the foot. I guess I really need to write about this!