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My response to the WaPo story on "BlueAnon."

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As I recall every book I've read trying to explain conspiracy theories points out that EVERYONE is vulnerable to them. I agree that the very first thought I had involved the Reichstag Fire, because as the woman quoted said, I have zero confidence that anything to do with trump is honest.

But the thing one does with conspiracy theories once one is aware of one's own vulnerability is to resist the temptation to connect the dots and to look instead for evidence. So while some memes about it are "fun" in that they express that zero confidence, no one should try to spread them as truth. NOTHING based entirely on speculation counts as evidence, whether it be fake ballots in suitcases for those without X-ray Eyes, or how an ear got bloodied. Those on the right who "take" rhetoric about putting trump's policies in the bullseye as somehow an order are projecting; it is just as valid to say that trump means "vermin" literally and includes rat traps in his immigration solution.

Once there is a verified record of a large wire transfer from some Trump Pac to the kid's family, then we can talk. Until then, deploring violence even against someone who continually advocates it is the way to go.

It should also be noted that abject idiocy is a equal opportunity political trait.

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