Keep Calm: Avoid the Drama-la Today
November 5, 2024, 8 am, PST. Here's what I'm doing this week.
Today, November 5, 2024, is the day Americans have been waiting for. We may have been dreading it. We may have been excited about it. And some people are just “whatever” about it. Screw them.
Today and the coming days will be good days to be smart, careful, consumers of news and information and to be a voice of reason for those around you.
I will write about events from my progressive perspective. I don’t assume we’ll agree on everything. I will be my usually grumpy self when it comes to comments; keep them on-topic, short, and to the point. Otherwise, it’s delete, delete, delete on my part.
It’s entirely possible that we won’t know all the results of this election for days, maybe even weeks. That’s okay. There are many millions of votes to be counted; voting results in a big country with open and free elections largely cast with paper ballots should take time.
A few things are certain:
*Donald Trump will declare victory; the only question –maybe worth a ‘fun’ bet on– will be what time. He will also declare that voter fraud has occurred.
*Americans, particularly in the seven swing states, are about to be bombarded with dis and misinformation. The word “bombarded” is an accurate description; these lies and distortions are the artillery of the 21st Century.
*Life will go on. Regardless of the outcome, changes for good or bad won’t happen for many months. Keeping a non-panicked perspective is the only sensible plan for now.
Here’s my plan for the next couple of days:
I will post multiple times per day, but be very careful about facts claimed. Each post will start with a date and time for future reference.
I will report and clearly label significant developments that possibly are not reality based, with the aim of alerting readers to the overall picture. Today, for instance, there will be a gazillion stories purported to be coming from voting locations.
I hope you have cast your ballot or will vote today. Turnout, from what I’ve heard, sucks in San Diego. See my voting guides:
Thanks for all you do and your wisdom. I assume it is God's grace that kept you here to inform us and buoy us all up.
Let us all be aware this is not a sports event with a time clock marking the end. The MAGA movement, the Supreme Court, Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, the Heritage Foundation, and angry Americans who feel left out and are pissed will all survive the election season, the Presidential inauguration and the eclipse of DJT. It is clear that patriotic Americans have a huge task before them no matter what happens this week.
So spot on in all you say and do. Thank you for emphasizing facts and not reporting or believing things before we know them to be true. Appreciate that you will be updating here.