The unraveling of Nathan Fletcher's career by revealing his human frailties will hopefully cause many, regardless of political party, to look at him with new eyes. I see this as bravery beyond the word. This decision will have an impact on his life that will be felt by everyone in his circle of family, friends, and those who voted for him. He made the right decision. Go get healthy, Nathan, and then decide what you want to do in your next chapter. We'll be watching and waiting. Thanks, Doug, for your thoughts on this. You are amazing every day!

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I was very dubious about Fletcher at first. But he proved himself to me and I hope that he continues his political career when he recuperates! By doing this, he might help many more vets do the same. Best wishes to both you and Fletcher and fast recovery to you both!

Joan Raphael

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Good for Nathan. Good for him going public about it. Good for him for being a role model in this regard also. Good for him also for yet another revelation that PTSD and other mental health issues are not adequately addressed by the VA.

I never voted for him when he was a Republican. Other than that, he didn't come to my attention until COVID and I watched what my BFF and I called the Greg and Nathan show every time it was on FB until it was the Natan show. I admired his leadership and I admire his continued leadership.

Doug, I think you have a word missing in this clause, "Based on voter registration, which included my of the City of San Diego."

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Thanks for this post, Doug. Nathan Fletcher has done a lot, given a lot for San Diego. And the same goes for you. Your posts astound Scott and me with the depth of knowledge, and the wide range of issues you report upon. I don’t know how you do it but I am sure glad you do.

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