As a former teacher, I was a Union member for years. But my appreciation for Union work to gain decent incomes and a voice in the system goes back to when I was a little kid, reading my Dad’s AFL/CIO Magazine. Dad was not a Union member; he was a small business owner. But he paid his workers above Union scale to get the best, and his respect for equity in all areas of humane existence ran deep. Doug Porter gives us all the best reasons for Union membership. I’ll add this. Remember when we had a Middle Class?
I won't be surprised if #47's Congress doesn't proceed to outlawing unions. Pray for the remaining House elections to be resolved in favor of the Democratic candidates.
Join a Union.
As a former teacher, I was a Union member for years. But my appreciation for Union work to gain decent incomes and a voice in the system goes back to when I was a little kid, reading my Dad’s AFL/CIO Magazine. Dad was not a Union member; he was a small business owner. But he paid his workers above Union scale to get the best, and his respect for equity in all areas of humane existence ran deep. Doug Porter gives us all the best reasons for Union membership. I’ll add this. Remember when we had a Middle Class?
I won't be surprised if #47's Congress doesn't proceed to outlawing unions. Pray for the remaining House elections to be resolved in favor of the Democratic candidates.