Last week I took advantage of the April Fools’ Day timing of my column to lampoon the neoliberal current inside the Democratic Party while suggesting a better course of action might be to embrace progressive economic policies like the President’s proposals to tax the rich and corporations and the new push for a
Hi L, the local Public Bank we are looking to create is geared toward public entities (local govs, public utilities) with community priorities in mind (affordable housing, green infrastructure, local small biz, etc.) and a mandate to be socially, ecologically, and financially responsible as well as transparent and democratic.
For personal banking, the CA Public Banking Alliance recommends using a local credit union that aligns with your values.
What’s the difference between public banks and credit unions? Aren’t credit unions owned by its shareholders?
Hi L, the local Public Bank we are looking to create is geared toward public entities (local govs, public utilities) with community priorities in mind (affordable housing, green infrastructure, local small biz, etc.) and a mandate to be socially, ecologically, and financially responsible as well as transparent and democratic.
For personal banking, the CA Public Banking Alliance recommends using a local credit union that aligns with your values.