
It's always somebody else's problem. Local elected officials can meet until the cows come home and there is literally nothing they can do eliminate homelessness. So I say everybody who's all NIMBYed up about Inspiration Point: *where would you have unhoused people go?*

The Board of Supes and the City Council and the Governor and the Legislature can't offer any permanent solutions *because there aren't any.* If some zillionaire offered a donation to build low income housing for all of California's homeless, it wouldn't work because *no* interest group would allow construction near their area of concern.

And any interim solution short of a concentration camp in the middle of the dessert will face the same problem. Saying it's somebody else's problem is a way of denying that it's ALL of US need to act in a way that is empathetic, respectful of the environment, acknowledges economic realities, and understand this needs to be a team effort.

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I propose another bridge to Coronado, roughly paralleling the current one, but wider, and lined with tiny homes all having basic necessities, reached by a walkway, and for the mayor’s sake, a bike path.

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Tourist season is going to pick up, so naturally, the politicians want everything to be lovely for them and they consider unhoused people as unlovely.

One thing I notice is that there seems to be a lot of discussion about homeless people and I never read of discussions with them.

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Read Ellis Rose. He’s on Facebook, has been homeless, is a wise and passionate advocate of homes First, but people seem to have trouble listening.

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A crisis that has been around for years and politicians can find no credible answer to alleviate it. I am against the use of Inspiration Point because I think the issue will end there. That location is a temporary bandaid, as you rightly call it, that will be taken as a one-time solution to the problem, I fear. The same old verbiage will be rolled out by those in charge, millions will be spent to insure that the homeless will have from 3-30 days in a tiny house or a resident large tent and then, they will be back on the street. If no one voices a complaint, the normal will take place whether at Father Joe's or Inspiration Point. Those two will be full and those who did not make the cut in time will be back on the streets downtown filling every reasonable nook and cranny outside that protects them from the weather. You're right, Doug, this is a crisis and it requires permanent solution to be implemented by meetings of the mayor, city council, Board of Supervisors and every regional management level until a good, working plan is devised. To ship them to Inspiration Point for 3-30 days is an injustice to all!

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