Hog wash, when are you so-called intelligent and wise commentators going to learn that most people approach politics with their gut and intuition, not with policy analysis, data, and thoughtfulness. Last Joe Biden was not able to communicate wisdom, strength and leadership. He turned many stomachs rancid. The taste will last. He should quickly gracefully get out of here.

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See the New York Times Editorial.

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First, thank you for the name drop. 😜 Love the “sky is falling” cartoon also. Worth pointing out, that the chicken is a distant relative of creatures that were wiped out last time the sky actually did fall.

With respect to those quoted, I’m not day trading in my response. This is a trend, and it’s been a problem for his entire first term that is getting noticeably worse. He lacks agility, and the ability to project the confidence and inspiration this country will need to face the challenges at hand. Ones that will require sacrifice and operating outside one’s own immediate interests. His administration can compensate, and has to some degree, for Biden’s weaknesses there. But there’s only so far you can place your finger up a puppet before the illusion is lost.

It borders on fraud for anyone to suggest that we have but one duty in this election and the next four years that follow. Climate change, wars raging around the world (potentially more to come) a Supreme Court run amok, none of those will wait for Joe Biden’s successor. And Biden’s days of moving the country are now clearly behind him.

It is intellectual slight of hand to say this was a “cold”, and it’s delusional to think the people who will actually decide the next election, operate beyond a superficial understanding of politics or the issues at hand. Failing to acknowledge that is simply gaslighting one’s own self.

I respect the arguments that point up the challenges, and even the notion that Biden, for all is failings may be the only choice left. As I pointed out, however, Von Hindenburg’s party held on to him until it was too late, and then Hitler pushed him aside. We know how that turned out. Both sides here have the same sober fear. I am happy to play my part as political foie gras, but I doubt the voters actually choosing our next president will sign up for the same throat stuffing.

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Uber is already paying $32.50 an hour at least in California because of Prop 22. I should know because I am an Uber driver and I see an extra $100.00 or so every other week on my earnings statement.

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I think Richardson's best point was her last: "Of far more lasting importance than this one night is the clear evidence that stage performance has trumped substance in political coverage in our era. Nine years after Trump launched his first campaign, the media continues to let him call the shots."

Replacing Biden isn't going to fix that. Only relentless getting the word out about what the substance is, and of the danger that is looming very close, will do anything. Why worry whether Biden will be able to get through the next term when that Project 2025 faces us, with an Extreme Court that cares nothing about the nuts and bolts of how a country actually functions. Joyce Vance posted a terrifying column a couple of days ago, and the terror is not about Biden's age: it is about the HORRENDOUS number of people who have never heard of Project 2025


And Biden continue to warn us, in person and in ads, and his campaign can too--and so can all of us. I remain convinced that the American people are not, in fact, universally dumb: those that are have already manifested their desire for the shelter they think they find in rabbit holes. The rest of the people need to KNOW before they can decide and all our energies should be devoted to being sure they do, rather than sniping at each other about what is or is not part of being old.

At least the debate has got the MSM actually spending some time fact checking trump's lies. That itself is a welcome change.

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I appreciate your perspective on this one!

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Solid, Doug. TY

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Thank you for this, Doug.

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