As bad as Trump was as president and promises to be worse in a second term, I believe that thus far, Biden was the worst President in at least the last 100 years for two main reasons: (1) He has vigorously aided Netanyahu in committing horrific war crimes while at the same time severely undermining the U.N., U.N.R.W.A., the ICJ, the ICC, and the U.S. credibility as a supporter of International Law. In turn, he has essentially green-lighted acts of international aggression and expansion for decades to come and further fueled terrorism against American citizens for the coming decades; and (2) He greatly aided Trump's election by remaining in the race too long, sabotaging an open Democratic National Convention process, and he engaged in a whisper campaign against Kamala prior to dropping out. Biden's history in the Senate is one of extreme mediocrity: He fought integration of Boston schools - developing the arguments now adopted by the right in their attacks on DEI; He helped confirm the nomination of Clarence Thomas while man-shaming Anita Hill; and he voted in favor of every one of our ill-advised wars in the middle east. In Sum, Biden is complicit in the deaths of tens of thousands of innocents (possibly 100s of thousands according to the Lancet Medical Journal, Ralph Nader, and others), has destroyed U.S. international diplomatic credibility and clout for decades, destabilizing the World, and has helped to re-elect the only human who might do more damage than he has.

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Great approach! I love the dictionary def of "decency". Great reminder of what is lost, and what is worth remembering, let alone fighting for.

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