Something I have never understood is the strong reactions again pacific protesters exercising their first amendment rights. I didn't understand in the 1960s and the early 1970s. I remember the day that hippies surrounded the Pentagon and were trying to levitate it. I remember the guy who stuck a daisy into the business end of a rifle held by a member of the National Guard, I think. Let us never forget the response to an extremely peaceful protest at Kent State, may they rest in peace.
Something I have never understood is the strong reactions again pacific protesters exercising their first amendment rights. I didn't understand in the 1960s and the early 1970s. I remember the day that hippies surrounded the Pentagon and were trying to levitate it. I remember the guy who stuck a daisy into the business end of a rifle held by a member of the National Guard, I think. Let us never forget the response to an extremely peaceful protest at Kent State, may they rest in peace.