We will never be united and Progressive as long unions continue stomp on the environment. They are sadly part of the group that sez build everywhere and be damned. Sacramento has aligned itself with developers on things like AB9 and 10 and the density bonus waivers of conditions and enviro review plus conditions and grants waivers over everything is a huge mistake for our environment and quality of life. They are creating'projects' not neighborhoods and homes.

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I did not know we lost Mike. Crushing news. I have *Dead Cities* on my nightstand now. I never thought of him as a Socialist. He seemed to me to be where we should be, but I am Norwegian heritage. How I wish I could applaud your new work tonight, but don’t get around much anymore, having an old ailing car and living a mile from public transport’s #11, but I applaud your work and will buy (not only borrow from our beloved library) *At 20*. Thank you.

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