What? You haven’t filled out your ballot yet?
The actual act of voting is at the top of this primary election’s ballot.
Don’t know enough? Read the Voter Guide below or check out the KPBS Voter Hub.
Don’t know where to vote? All vote center locations are now open. Here’s the list.
Remember, there is no rule saying that you have to vote on every item listed on the ballot. If you’ve got just one contest that interests you, you’ve got another reason to vote.
This is how I voted, except for a few choices that I wrote about but couldn’t vote on because of where I live. (They are in parentheses.)
Here’s how this guide works: the ballot item heading is first, followed by who/what I voted for, their website, a link to my ruminations, and a snip of what my thinking was..
President - Joe Biden. https://joebiden.com/
The California 2024 Primary Ballot: President We don’t agree on some things. But it’s not a deal breaker for me. As the meme on the interwebs says: A vote is not a valentine. You're not confessing your love for Joe Biden. It’s a chess move for the kind of world you want to live in.
***County Democratic Committee – Your guess is as good as mine.***
Senate (Full and Partial Term) - Katie Porter - https://katieporter.com/
California 2024 Guide: You Get to Vote Twice for US Senator I changed my mind on this, deciding I would support Katie Porter in these contests. Barbara Lee is a better candidate, ideologically. But my heart said “eff” Adam Schiff as his fellow travelers decided to boost MAGAman Steve Garvey to make things easier in the fall.
Link for write ups on all Congressional races >> San Diego’s Congressional Contests
US Representative, 50th District - Congressman Scott Peters - https://scottpeters.com/
He’s a middlin’ Dem, meaning that he’s for all the right things until it comes down to deciding the fine print; then you’ve got to look into the politics of his district’s employers. I live in his district and will vote for him, fully aware of his limitations. Ya’ gotta eat what’s on the menu…
(US Representative, 48th District) Stephan Houlahan - https://electhoulahan.com/
The former Santee City Council member placed second in the general election race in 2022, garnering just shy of 40% of the vote. The California and San Diego Democratic Party organizations have endorsed him, along with eight or so local Dem clubs.
(US Representative, 49th District) - Mike Levin - https://www.mikelevin.org/
He’s got money in the bank, a stellar collection of endorsements, and the most complete issues and accomplishments section I’ve ever seen on a campaign site. His platform centers around progressive positions on issues like abortion access, gun policy reform, and Medicare for all. As a congressman, he’s well-known for his advocacy on behalf of veterans. As long as people show up, he will win.
(US Representative, 51st District) - Sara Jacobs - https://sarajacobsforca.com/
Her list of endorsers is impressive, and she’s relied on acts of governance rather than partisan rhetoric in accomplishing an impressive record on Capitol Hill. My favorite part of her reelection campaign has been her calling out El Cajon Mayor Bill Sells’ complaints about her: 1) She’s a Democrat and 2) a young woman. She’s all of those things and is a better person, to boot.
(US Representative, 52nd District) - Juan Vargas - website ‘expired’
Vargas is, generally speaking, a very liberal Democrat of the sort that Republicans expect that patriotic Americans will rise up and throw out someday soon. The problem is that his constituents really like him; in 2022 he beat his Republican competitor with 71% of the vote.
State Senator, 39th District - Akilah Weber - https://drakilahweber.com/
Dr Akilah Weber Running for CA State Senate D39 She’s done well by her constituents, having authored a dozen bills that have been signed into law, including legislation relating to the health of students, contraceptive care and the medical practices for victims of domestic violence.
Link for write ups on all » San Diego Assembly Districts
State Assembly, District 78 - Chris Ward - https://voteforward.com/
Republicans consider this district unwinnable; Democrats have a better than 2 to 1 advantage in voter registration and the seat traditionally has gone to LGBTQ+ candidates.
(State Assembly, District 75) - Joy Frew - https://frewforassembly.com/
The founder of Fallbrook Climate Action Team and activist with that city’s Democratic Club brings a focus on criticizing investor-owned utilities and building a more sustainable grid to the table.
(State Assembly, District 76) - Darshana Patel - https://patelforassembly.com/
She’s paid some partisan dues along the way, and is the endorsed candidate of the Democratic Party, along with a lot of the state and region’s Dem elected officials She ran for school board promising to fix a disaster, delivered, and convincingly won re-election.
(State Assembly, District 77) - Tasha Boerner Horvath - https://tashaboerner.com/
She’s kept herself in a high profile position by writing and sponsoring a lot of legislation on varied issues. It’s hard to see her not making the general election ballot and likely going back to Sacramento next year.
(State Assembly, District 79) - Colin Parent - https://colinparent.org/
He’s been involved in enviro friendly groups for so long that lefties in OB consider him a corporate tool. No wonder, since Parent is beloved by the YIMBY movement, and everybody knows “they’re lackeys.” for companies that build stuff. He’s got a solid group of organized labor endorsements, along with the support of many local elected Democrats. He’s played mostly within the system in advocating for causes, driven by a high level of consciousness about climate change.
All SD council races are covered by this link» City Council Incumbents Will Rule
City Council, District 3 - Coleen Cusack - https://coleen4sd.com/
So what we’d get with Colleen Cusack as an elected official is that she’d have a platform; the best we could hope for would be increased awareness. And in San Diego the powers that be would work hard to discredit her as a person, when her righteousness should be praised.
I’ll vote for Colleen, because she’s the best option we have and is willing to speak truth to power. The City Council is going to so what it’s going to do, regardless, so let’s stir some sh*t.
{City Council, District 1) - Joe Cava - running unopposed
(City Council, District 5) - Marni von Wilpert - running unopposed
(City Council, District 7) - Raul Campillo - running unopposed
(City Council, District 4) - Henry Foster - https://www.henryfoster4sd.com/meethenry
Foster has the lead in endorsements, having been blessed by the county Democratic Party, the city’s two largest labor unions, along with council members Elo-Rivera, Lee, and LaCava. He makes no secret of his desire to continue on Montgomery-Steppe’s political path, so he counts as an incumbent as far as I'm concerned.
(City Council, District 9) - Sean Elo-Rivera - https://www.facebook.com/VoteForSeanElo/
He describes his role on the council as challenging the status quo and advocating for communities in San Diego that have traditionally been underserved.
The downside to Elo-Rivera, as I understand it, is that he doesn’t mince words and comes across as abrasive. The upside is that he’s a counter balance to those who see the council as an extension of the mayor’s office.
Mayor, City of San Diego - Genevieve Jones-Wright - https://www.wright4sd.com/
Da Mayor Is A Bum; Can Anybody Replace Him? I came off as wishy-washy in my write-up of his race, saying that I liked Jones-Wright, but thought Todd Gloria would prevail. This business of promoting grifting Republicans (yes, I know it’s an ‘Independent’ Committee) by the Gloria cabal just pisses me off.
Jones-Wright has an admirable vision of improving the quality of life for San Diego. Whether or not she has the stamina and foresight to stop the same-old, same-old from continuing would be an unanswered question if she takes office.
I can only hope she’ll see the need to tell truths about the city that many don’t want to hear --and galvanize the public– to actually change the direction of the city.
San Diego City Attorney - Heather Ferbert - http://www.heatherferbert.com/
City Attorney for San Diego - I ended my column on this contest by saying I hadn’t made up my mind. My friend Tama (with the Indivisible group Change Begins with Me) actually interviewed Ferbert and came away saying she was the better candidate, so that’s what I’m going with. That’s weak sauce, but it’s all I got.
California Proposition One - https://treatmentnottents.com/
Is Proposition One A Cure for Homelessness? Despite pursuing what San Diego officials are selling as an aggressive approach to housing and services, (let me yell for the people in the back) the fact is that more people are ending up unhoused than are housed each month.
What we have is a systemic problem caused by decades of bad economic policy, starting back in the Reagan era. If you look at the overall approach (there are plenty of exceptions) of the Biden administration, there is a developing consensus that what trickles down in a market economy is actually piss coming over the walls the wealthy have built to protect themselves.
Our systemic issues are as much a mindset problem as they are a political/economic problem. The aspirations of “me first” cause us to not understand the positive aspects of collective action. We the People should be the foundation upon which we build on in the 21st century.
Personally, I’ll be voting For Proposition 1, not because it’s a miracle cure, but because it falls into the something is better than nothing category. The weaknesses I’ve highlighted should not be cause for inaction; look at voting for the measure as a first step toward next time we’ll do better.
Contests I Didn’t Write Up But Have Opinions On
I did some research on Judicial office contests, but think that the UT Tribune interviews with the candidates for contested seats were enough to sway me.
Judge #41 - Jodi Cleesattle - https://www.jodiforjudge.com/
Meet Jodi Cleesattle, candidate for San Diego County Superior Court judge, Seat 41
Judge #43 - Koyrn Sheppard - https://www.sheppard4judge.com/
Meet Koryn Sheppard, candidate for San Diego Superior Court judge, Office 43
Measure A - Yes
Measure A would allow the Office of the City Auditor and the city's Audit Committee to hire independent lawyers who are not part of the City Attorney's Office.